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Full Version: Ladydevimon sites are closing all over the place! why?
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I LOVE ladydevimon but their sites are closing all over! I need Ladydevimon!! Also Ranamon IS SO being neglected here!
i think it's because most people r loesing interest in digimoni can hardly find ny rika/ryo sites that r still opened or that havent been updated in a while
true many peopel are losing intrest and true ranamon is so underused here
it's sad really too many peopel loseing interest in digimon *shakes her head* oh well it's scary pokemon is still going .............that show scares me
I think its going to be even worse if what you said about people losing intrest in Digimon is...Ladydevimon sites wont be around! cause the newer seasons of Digimon are almost totally changed! and then so more kids who are of a newer generation will...you know
pokemon is easier to keep going because unlike digimon it doesn't really have a plot
true .................i hope Dru doeswn't close down the Akiyamasite!!!! :shock: ....*runs of * .....oh wait Druloves the fourm she likes every1 that goes on and visitst and post so no she won't close it down :D
sadly enough some Digimon pages closed. Well I am sure Dru won't close it. ^^

I will still support them
same here !!!!!!!^.^