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Full Version: Massachusetts is Now the Most Hated State in America!
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Hawaii does have gay and lesbian marriages, even though they are not recognized by the state, and they also preform "commitment ceremonies" there. And whether or not Massachusetts was the first state to outlaw slavery is debatable, since many of the sources I checked say Vermont was the first state to do so, even one said Pennsylvania was the first.
Gnostic Metatron Prime Wrote:
eurtan Wrote:it's all well and good to rebal agent the status quo if you truly belive in what you're doing just don't step on others you you do so.

Dude, you're missing the point here. The gay folks involved in the gay marriage movement in Massachusetts don't want to step on others or rebel against the status quo. They just want to be allowed to marry, which would give them the same rights as married couples. See, without those rights, things like inheritance, hospital visitation rights, and taxes become a huge pain.

As for the rest of us, the society benefits because, if the gay marriage thing holds, then it weakens the hold that the church has over the state. And trust me, we want the church to have less power.

You miss understand me i was reffering to the part where he labed Massachusetts a trouble maker
Quote:Actually, it's only people from Massachusetts who hate it because it sucks. The rest of the country hates Massachusetts because we always fuck up the system. After all, we were the ones who dumped the British tea into Boston Harbor, which pretty much forced the rest of the country to rebel against England.
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