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Full Version: Why do I have this sudden urge to go and eat sushi?
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Somewhere or another there is this restuarant where one can go and eat sushi. The food isn't out of the ordinary, and in fact, just about everything is as one would normally expect it to be, that is, except for the women. In this retuarant women are lying on tables with bits of plastic wrapped around their bodies, and, to many people's surprise, the sushi is actually lying on top of these women. People are just walking by, picking up bits of food off of these womens' bodies, and then going to sit down and eat it. Hmm...if anyone knows of where I can find this restuarant, would you care if I went with you?
As long as sushi is good and the woman is not an 80-year old hag, I'll go. You're welcome to come with me. Unfortunately there is only 1 Japanese restaurant nearby and a few more 50 miles away. Add to that the high cost of sushi, I rarely visit any Japanese restaurant.

The nearest one to me is called Hello Sushi (odd name?) in Saginaw, MI.
Actually from the news the women appeared to be 30 at the oldest, and odd enough, they found it to be amazingly relaxing.
I wouldn't mind being the one laying htere with sushi all over me.

"Hey, there, pre-tay la-day! D'ye think ahm sex-ay? Look aht ahl this su-shi all o-vah me dead sex-ay bo-day. Y'know ya waaaannnntt it."

"Who the fuck are you?! What happned to Sal?!?"

"Ah sey-duced her with muh dead-sex-ay-ness. Now eat that 'un on me crotch!"
From someome with hairy legs, you're more likely to become a puke bar rather than sushi bar. lol No thanks.
I've never been to s japanese restaurant, but the one you speak of interests me. Now I wanna go.

The closest japanese restaurant to me is in Ann Arbor, MI. Don't remember it's name though.