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*leaves the place cuz its so frickin lame XP*

*looks at pic*


The lovelyness of it is screamable.
Hey, since you were kind enough to reply, I think I'll let you request something from me, if you want something. (m/m of course XP)

Interested? I usually never take requests XP

Anyway byez
Wow, it's been a long time since I came here (over a month I think). I remember this pic, it was amazing when you showed it at Crocden and Officialaatg, and it still is now.
A request?? ME???!?!

Let's see...what would be good guy on guy action that satisfies my interspecies fetish...

Ooo! Ooo! Howsabout FFX's Kimahri and Tidus?

(I thought Kimahri was a girl until I heard his voice. I kept imagining her rage was against Tidus was repressed attraction. I would have thought that theory went out the window when I found it she was a he, but I still can't get the idea out of my head.)

BTW, why do you keep putting XP at the end of your posts?
I dont do humans ^^; And Kimahri is way too hard for me to draw (already tried)

XP's a smiley its like >_< + =P

hehehe you shoulda seen that one coming, Croco, expand your horizions and lets see the kinda human you can do ;3

im curious to see how this turns out, really XD
Its not like I didnt try XP
Cute pic.
I like the facial expressions.

Behold! I come, I see, I conquer!