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Full Version: Red f*cking "X"
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That's it! I won't take it any longer! I hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it!
Red friggin "X" EVERYWHERE! Especially in place of avatars and signatures! When will people finally learn that GEOCITIES & CO. DO NOT ALLOW HOTLINKING?

I'm not pointing fingers now, don't worry. But if you realize that your sig/avatar does not work, PLEASE fix it. SOMEHOW.
I haven't seen any red X here in a while. Anyway, there's a sneaky way of making hotlink work with Geocities but you need to upload the image as .txt and you must use the html img src tag rathert than the BBC because BBC just won't work.

I've checked, MSIE 6 and up, Netscape 7, and Mozila works with the image with .txt extension. Not sure about other browser or older version though.
I can confirm that Opera 7 can read and display such files just fine.
I've only seen one single X this week, BTW.
I have my own domain, so there shouldn't be any problems with my sig.

But I can understand you. Seeing the fucking red x instead of pictures is rather annoying
rename the extention from .jpg/.gif to .txt
that used to work anyway
Well, angelfire has had no problems displaying my sig. So neh.