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First off I am a christian. I need to say this beacause I have some pretty heavy views and don't want to be seen as a christ hater, because I love chist.

Now then I highly dougbt anyone here at this board has accually read the bible. The reason I say this is because I highly doubt anyone here can read Hebrew (or ancient Roman, Corenthian or any of the other original languages) which is what the books of the bible was originally written in. The translated versions everyone reads are accually nothing like what they were originally. For anyone who wonders no I don't read any of those launguages. I once tried to learn Hebrew and the way the gramar works was so messed up I had to quit and because of that exp. I know the published version we have is very different from the original. Thankfully one of my friends from a church I went to in Highschool who had more dicipline did know Hebrew and assured me that the message was the same in all versions he read. I won't say that message because I believe Boss Reo put it out there just fine.

On to my next subject, in the first post there was a quote from a christian saying that "the game teaches us that mages are are friends which they aren't". Obviously this guy doesn't realize that his own religious ancestors used "magic". Some of you are probly wondering what I'm talking about or thinking that I am making this up but be assured I am not, Christians used witchcraft to hunt pagens Wicca and everyone else that they labeled as witches. When the Salem whitch trials were going on is when the church had ordained "Holy Knights". So before saying that mages are not our friends realize that they had a pretty good piece of our history.

Well I meant to say much more but it is now 2300 at night and I have forgotten what else I wanted to say. Plus there is probly another post here since I started since this took me about an hour to write. So with this I leave you until later.
*And he was enlightened* Thanks for wonderful answer Kharon. That was enlightening. This has turned out to be quite an interesting post. Anyway, got some work to do I have, so I must go now, but I shall return...
heh I dont believe in god but I find that everyone ought to be able to believe what he or she wants to so I respect cristians and other religious people .... EXEPT people like those that did this site .... as it seems to rake up with the range of people that come sell you a pocket bible at 5 am when you just abou go to bed ... but then again to each his own ...
I just found another christian gaming website! It's http://www.ccgr.org/ - Christ Centered Game Reviews. Not as insane as the first one, but still... And I wonder what a christian first person shooter is like. They've got a review of one up...
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