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Quote:If you do a google for free penis enlargement, you'd get this.
Well actually, if you google for free penis enlargement you're more likely to find the hundreds of websites from eastern europe that sell illegal polish viagra that doesn't work, or one of those natural "wonder cures".
"Experience this completely natural medical wonder TODAY for only $ 500! Feel young again! Please enter your bank details below!!!"
That kind of stuff. Waste of time in my humble opinion.

So I think the only proper thing to do is to consult a doctor ASAP. It's your dick, and you usually only get one of them per lifetime, so you'd better make sure it's still in good condition.
Hope everything turns out OK.
yup, goind do a doc is the best thing you can do now.
Eh, It turned out to be a temporary thing. Looking at it now, it's all normal. Sorry to panic y'all. But while researching the problem, I found this:

"Another problem that men describe is the famous shrinking penis, and really what this is, is nothing more than the man gaining weight at the base of his penis. I explain this to my patients like this: If one has a five-foot tree and you mound three feet of dirt alongside the trunk, the tree may look like a two-foot tree, but it really is still a five-foot tree. So the treatment for that is simply losing weight, and if it's a persistent problem, then a plastic surgeon, on rare occasions, could do liposuction at the base of the penis. In general, though, unless you have something truly abnormal, you should learn to play with the cards you are dealt."

Well, that's bullshit. I'm too skinny for shit like that.

I also heard it could be stress. That's a possibility too. I've been dogsitting for the past week, and got hit with some skunk. I've spent the whole week repeadedly wrestling with a boxer/rotweiler mix while trying applying tomato paste to it and de-skunking the house.

Well, news you can yews.
Well stress does sound like it could be the real problem here. If I were you, I'd try and relax a bit more, maybe just take a half hour to sit back in a comfy chair, listen to classical music, and chill.

Or get really drunk and pass out on the couch, whatever works.

Maybe your problem is that you're thinking too much about your dick. You could be the actual source of the stress. If you stop obessing over it, perhaps that might help.
An awesome wang like mine?? How cold I NOT obsess over it?!?!

Now if only the ladies around this city would...
The bending might be b/c you waer underwear...er...having it on one side half your life could cause the bending...

heh next well all have a poll on our sizes...
The bending might be b/c you wear underwear...er...having it on one side half your life could cause the bending...

heh next well all have a poll on our sizes...
Dude! Your bent dick problem is because you wank toooooooo much! I know! Mine's bent to the left! But it's not all bad, if used properly it can massage a woman's G-spot! They'll love ya forever!

SaberGatomon said it, and I'll say it again! Twisted
dude a doctor wont do shit ... heres my advice ... GO see a therapist .. obviosely you and your penis have remational issues you need to wok out .. hell you gave it mass headache when you overdrived on masturbation i think its just pissed an doesnt want to see you .. hench the resizing the ball twisting means you 2 are in a tweist and a kut .. and well it obviousely doesnt like you if it starts to bend so it can spit ya in the eye so go to a shrink and tell him you and your penis have relational problems and all will work out .. maby you jsut need to have long good conversations talk about things he can relate to like err well for one explain why he gts the hand instead royal pussylicious tempel acces he`l undertand eventualy and you can become good friends and well if nothing works ... threaten to become a eunich

also you might want to search google .. theres like this great book
jim and his penis .. its actualy about a man with erection failure but it has some good tips :) hope it works out

k .. nuff random spam .. DUDE a doctror would prolly be best :P
Talking to his wang:

"Gee, Lil' Mikey, HAVE I been abusing you?? Am I a bad body to be attatched to?"

"Well, you're not that bad, but I swear to God, if you cover me in blue paint before you go streaking again..."

Feh. This is old stuff. Me and lil' Mikey are just fine as of now.
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