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Full Version: Retirement time- I quit
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After 3 years of service to the Digimon lemonry world, the dream is over. As of today, I am retired, somewhat reluctantly. I'd like to thank my handful of fans, my freinds, and all my supporters whether or not they enjoyed my work. It's been a nice ride, I don't think i'll be coming back. Good day.
You already know how I feel about this... I'll really miss you, and your work. I'm expecting much bigger things from you, though; watch it.
Another people quit.

No offense Ruhe, but STOP reminding us!

I know the truth hurts, but to remind us constantly will make MORE quit, not to mention it'll make people depressed.

Don't take it personally, buddy. I'm just trying to help.

As for you Jodan, I know I might've not really seen your stuff, but I will miss you just the same.

God's speed, my man.
I didn't ever get chance on becoming friends with you, but it's always sad to see a fellow lemon author quit.
Aww.. *pouts* You were among the best around. Sad to see you leave.. though I can see where you're coming from on this one. :(
Hmm, sorry to hear Jordan, I hope you know that you made alot of your fans happy, good job man take care.

and yes Ruhe...quit with that "truth hurts" B.S.