Digiartists' Domain Community!

Full Version: Survivors, sound off.
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I'm Drake Zero. Drake for short. This was the place that let me come out of my shell and start to rp on a regular basis and also meet friends that I still have to this day. Looking forward to seeing the revamp and see if DaD will get back to the way it was in its glory days.
I'm Grapple! I used to participate here and still checked in once a month or so, even if you didn't see me. Now that things are happening, I'll try to come regularly.

It's interesting how many people showed up when the site updated. It seems many were keeping an eye on things here.
Hello! I'm Takato and I'm very excited to see that this site is getting an upgrade! :D
Heyho! Kyosan here; signed up well after DMX, Shadow and Crimson and joined the tail of the whirlwind of awesome that crashed by. RP'd quite a bit, hung around, disappeared, came back. Still from the land that rains, and still doing the same old stuff.

Props to the revival, it's looking fantastic already! Soon, the return of pie.
Woo, wow. So hi there, I'm ENAIC(at this stage of my life, at least). I used to be around back in the heyday of '03 when Lord Archive was still pushing Red Digivice Diaries regularly, that Amalgamation series with all the different authors still had hope of seeing a conclusion, and I couldn't write for squat. It really puts a thrill in my heart to see the DaD having new life breathed back into it! Fantastic, guys and gals :D
+1 here. It's funny. I remember registering with this site a total of three times since it went live but I never got around to actually becoming a part of the community or even posting at all. Anyway, the last couple of weeks have provided me with a good enough reason to join again and finally post something. Nice to meet you.
Welcome Mad Fan :)
Another survivor here, name is Argrim and I like that some people are gathering to use necromancy on this site to get it back out of the ground. I check on this every now and then for nostalgia purposes but outside that I do the whole artist thing sometimes regarding Digimon sometimes not.

I used to be a mod way back in the day of ezboard and such but as most things time passes and people move on but this forum always had one of those tiny spots of good times you hold on to so always good to see others that still have the same thought process.
Wow. All the way in ezBoard. That's a long while. Nice to see you around.
I think I was around in the ezboard days, or at least on one previous forum host. Such a long time ago, such fond memories.
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