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(05-13-2015, 05:44 PM)Gogglehead Wrote: [ -> ]Don't suppose you like roleplaying do you?

Eh...you mean midorimon?
My junior name is Green and now has developed
Midori means green in Japenese and mon means I love Digimon

(05-14-2015, 05:34 PM)Aeroraptor 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Huh. I guess life does, uh, find away. Interesting seeing new people join, maybe there is a bit of wick left in this canfle.

Eh..OK Then I find that I can't upload my portrait avatar..
How did you do that?

(05-15-2015, 05:05 AM)Pixie Wrote: [ -> ]Hello I'm a Pixie *waves at your direction*

Kita: *wags her tail* hello I'm Kita, half human and half fox, I'm extremely playful

XD Hello 【wave my paw in respond

(05-15-2015, 03:39 PM)Jaser Wrote: [ -> ]Hey! Your name is pretty cool. Welcome.

Thank you! I also feel cool XD【Being Narcissistic...
Quote:Eh..OK Then I find that I can't upload my portrait avatar..
How did you do that?

Click the User CP link next to the Log Out link, on the side bar under "Your Profile" should be a link that reads "Change Avatar" then just make sure the image you want to use is no bigger than 100x100i pixels and/or has a file size 10KB or less.

You've reminded me that I need to make a new avatar, I guess I'll do some drawing later.
(05-18-2015, 08:34 AM)Aeroraptor 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Eh..OK Then I find that I can't upload my portrait avatar..
How did you do that?

Click the User CP link next to the Log Out link, on the side bar under "Your Profile" should be a link that reads "Change Avatar" then just make sure the image you want to use is no bigger than 100x100i pixels and/or has a file size 10KB or less.

You've reminded me that I need to make a new avatar, I guess I'll do some drawing later.

Thanks.But I can't upload it.What form is demanded? Or I need an agency..
(05-18-2015, 03:50 PM)Midorimon Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks.But I can't upload it.What form is demanded? Or I need an agency..

From the Change Avatar page either click "Browse..." and select the file, OR you can upload your image to a different website (imgur.com for example) and put the new URL of the image itself where it says "Avatar URL" (but make sure it's the image itself and not the webpage the image is on, you can usually right click an image then click one of the menu options to view it directly).
(05-19-2015, 10:18 AM)Jaser Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2015, 03:50 PM)Midorimon Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks.But I can't upload it.What form is demanded? Or I need an agency..

From the Change Avatar page either click "Browse..." and select the file, OR you can upload your image to a different website (imgur.com for example) and put the new URL of the image itself where it says "Avatar URL" (but make sure it's the image itself and not the webpage the image is on, you can usually right click an image then click one of the menu options to view it directly).

https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-0/11210473_1633836133517702_6062356470818089902_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=dc3fb79c3b36b15b5433c67a0375a50b&oe=55BEB323&__gda__=1438932884_ee2688ab4698dde4a2e02f7e26b50521 Is it available? But I see it is dissilient...
Well, I'm not quite sure why it didn't work when you tried it but I uploaded it to Imgur and set it for you, now that I'm an admin ^.^
(05-25-2015, 01:13 PM)Jaser Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I'm not quite sure why it didn't work when you tried it but I uploaded it to Imgur and set it for you, now that I'm an admin ^.^

XD Thank you!I can see it.
Welcome!^_^ The Digimon community has always been a friendly one, and that includes this one...so welcome!
Yeah. We never really hated people. Or at least anyone specific.
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