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Full Version: Looking for very old hentai with no luck
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Okay sorry for not having very much information about this hentai, but I'd like to know if anyone knows the title of this one. I only remember a single scene and saw this around 2001-2005. I can provide a few quotes from the scene and a vague description of it. Basically this android/cyborg/robot type guy (from what I remember he was blue). Catches a bunch of girls out in public at their school (if I remember he also had a few partners with him), and then proceeds to rape them. Some other girl walks up to witness it and he turns and says to them "So how do you like seeing your little friends raped baby?" She kind of stands there in shock and says to the girl he is raping something about loving the feel of human skin and then says "And you like the feel of metal don't you". And her friends cry out help us help us. Any help would be appreciated.