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Welcome, Wastelander, to the Capital Wastelands, home of Ghouls, Supermutants, drugged out raiders, slavers, the Enclave, and BoS. Think you can survive out here? Well, I sure hope you can. If not, good luck trying to get into the few vaults left sealed out there.

However, if you can dodge the pockets of radiation, avoid getting sold into slavery, and not get yourself addicted to anything, the Wastes can be a rather nice place to live....just watch out for the Mirelurks. And beware of minefields.

As Stated, this is an RP revolving around the post-apocalyptic playground known as Fallout 3. There are many different kinds of people out there:
  • Humans - your general populace. Once a Human, always a human. They're everywhere, run the shops, protect the caravans, even protect you if the price is right.
  • Ghouls - The humans unfortunate enough to be caught within the nuclear fallout. The radiation, instead of killing them, mutated their bodies to the point where their flesh is rotting off, yet they live. Not only that, These poor souls are actually healed by the radiation. If you can stomach their appearance, they're actually quiet nice to "smoothskins" and "fluffies"
  • Supermutants - Those who, through one way or another, were exposed to what's known as the FEV, a virus that renders them sterile, big, mean, and ugly. Your generalized causers of mayhem out in the wastes. Don't get caught by them if you intend to survive!
  • Furries - Now these guys are a mystery. Some say they were the byproduct of a modified version of the FEV, some say the radiation mutated wild animals, much in the way you have giant Mole Rats and ants out in the wastes. Some even suggest that out of desperation, humans mated with animals. Either way, they're here, they're capable of rational thought and speaking, and no, they don't want to chew on Brahman bones.

Char Sheets:

Okay, this should be fairly straight forward.

Picture: (Not required, but if you want to put one, be my guest)
Gender: (male, female, herm, whatever)
Measurements: (Breast size, cock size, or both for herms)
Species: (one of the 4 mentioned above. Subspecies apply for Furries)
Occupation: Raider, Slaver, Wastelander, Salvager, Caravan Operator, Townie, Adventurer(etc. Use your imagination)
Background: (just write a little something about your character)

- Armor: *

- Weapon(s) : *

- Extras: (anything that isn't a weapon or armor) *

Last Known Location: (Keep it within the Wastelands, preferrably near Vault 101 or somewhere where we can interact easier).

* Weapons and Armor - While you can get some pretty cool tech in the game, PLEASE do not go overboard. I REPEAT. Do NOT go overboard. No one is going to go anywhere near a Raider that dual-wields two Fat Mans, okay? Really.

** Furries cannot be Brotherhood of Steel(obviously, They want to kill all mutants) OR Enclave(who want to kill everyone period.)

Name: Ferro Cordis
Alias: King
Age: 25
Picture: The horse of course. NSFW
Gender: male
Measurements: 24 inchs length, 4 inches thick.
Species: Furry; Horse
Occupation: Mercenary / Medic
Background: Just a horse, no one knows where he came from and people thought it was odd to see him, he was in and around Megatown since he was 20, but before that he traveled about. People thought he was a brotherhood of steel until they asked where he got the armor, people think he is a murderer but there is no proof. People wounder how he is able to wear such armor since you need training to do so. Maybe one day he will tell his secret.


- Armor: Stolen power suit from a dead BOS member

- Weapon(s) : Two duel wielding power fists and a combat knife

Last Known Location: Megatown, standing about, waiting for work.
Name: Shaun Dowley
Alias: Shadow
Age: Unknown (Appears in his mid-late 20s)
Picture: Shadow
Gender: Male
Measurements: 12 inches in length, 2 inches thick with a thick knot at the base.
Species: Furry, wolf.
Occupation: Wastelander, mercenary, bounty hunter, whatever pays the bills.
Background: A mystery even to himself, found near Megatown barely clinging to life covered in numerous wounds and injuries which he can't even recall how he recieved. Finds work around the city either lending a hand with work or clearing out the occasional feral or giant ant that sneaks in.

- Armor: An old t-shirt and hoodie with some dark jeans.

- Weapon(s) : Modified shish-kebab with a longer than normal blade formed using an old broken display katana. Revving causes a small bit of fuel to explode sending a sharp vibration throug the blade to give it extra cutting force as opposed to setting it aflame.

Last Known Location: Megatown, sticking around since he has no other place to go that he knows of.


Name: Katt
Alias: Madd Katt
Age: 18
Picture: Wrench Wench
Gender: Female
Measurements: DD cup breasts (Keeps them bound tightly under her shirt so they don't get in the way)
Species: Human
Occupation: Salvager/mad scientist
Background: A skill mechanic, capable of fixing almost anything so long as it's mechanical in some way. She's gotten a bit of a reputation as insane due to the high number of creations that tend to spontaneously explode as well as the nonsensical gibberish that comes out of her mouth at times, though despite this she's still tolerated mostly since she's the only one capable of repairing most of the machines needed in every day life.


- Armor: An old leather jacket she reinforced with bits of lightweight materials and a pair of blue jeans.

- Weapon(s) : Very large, very heavy, wrench as well as a few homemade grenades and landmines.

- Extras: Carries around a small assortment of random parts and tools incase she finds something interesting.

Last Known Location: Exploring the ruins of Springvale for slavageable materials.
Name: Moirai

Alias: Moe, Moi-Moi, Hey You, Fuckhead, Freak, etc.

Age: 21

Picture: naturally photoshy (Roughly 6 feet tall, orange fur, white belly, black stripes, red eyes, black hair tied back in a ponytail, streaked through with red. Frankly, I'm too poor to commision a picture of her.....Actually, on second thought, if you have signatures enabled on the forum, she's the top pic in my sig. The Demotivator one.)

Gender: Female Dominant Hermaphrodite

Measurements: 34C, 8-inches

Species: Furry, Tiger

Occupation: Salvager

Background: Showed up in the Megaton region a few months back, trading with the humans. Usually keeps to herself, but is quick to defend the town from Raiders. Vicious in a battle, but prefers to keep to herself outside of battle. Also seen in Arefu, Big Town, and Rivet City, trading scrap and wares for basic necessities. A bit reluctant to move with a group, but she'll befriend anyone who doesn't piss her off. Also rather good with repairs, for the right price she'll fix what you have, but it's free for her friends.


- Armor: Salvaged Talon Company combat armor, Combat Helmet

- Weapon(s) : Combat Shotgun, Assault Rifle

- Extras: Stimpaks(4), Brahmin meat, Carton of cigarettes

Last Known Location: En route to Megaton
Alright, we're still waiting on one or two more people, but I'll kick this off officially after Christmas. Probably sometime on Monday. That sound good to everyone?
Yes that sounds great.
Update: I know it's thursday, and I said monday, but I know we had one more person on the thread who wanted to join, and I'll be sending them a PM shortly, but I also had Senjuro on board for this RP, and he rarely ever gets to have any fun on here, so I figured I'd hold up the line for him. Just bear with us so we can get everyone set up and ready to go.
Name: Flynn Rausch

Alias: Livewyre

Age: 28
Picture: https://inkbunny.net///files/screen/117/...k1.png.jpg

Gender: male

Measurements: 7" + knot

Species: furry, Siberian husky

Occupation: trader, machinist, sometime caravan traveler
Background: After fleeing the Great Canadian Wastes, Flynn found great solace in cataloging, repairing, and enhancing the tech found in the Capital Wasteland. On shaky terms with the Outcasts, he provides them with repair services in exchange for gear and equipment to make his travels a little safer.


- Armor: casual clothes. Jeans, hoodie, glasses.

- Weapon(s) : -- modified AEP7 Laser pistol to fire 3-shot bursts.
-- modified Power Fist that projects electric discharges (runs on MF cells). Extremely stripped down so it isn't so bulky and heavy. Unrealistic to use for punching.

- Extras: -- Rad-X, RadAway, Stimpaks, lots of various and sundry junk to repair, trade, or cannibalize

Last Known Location: headed toward Megaton after a trading mission on behalf of the Outcasts.
We ready to go?
I suppose. I've given plenty of time for people to join. Holidays or not, I've waited almost two weeks to get started, so if anyone wants to join, you're gonna have to PM me first.


That lovely green glow, A Digiartist's Domain Production...


The sun was starting to peek through the irradiated, yellowish-grey clouds, the earth a similar shade of sickly yellow. The former United States of America, specifically the East Coast, was little more than a wasteland. Those who lived their were few and far between, Holed up in the last encampments of a dying race. Megaton, Rivet City, Big Town, Arefu. If you didn't seek shelter there, you were at the mercy of Bandits and Raiders, not to mention those unfortunate souls who didn't have the choice to run and hide when the Nukes dropped.

The air was still, the dead, yellowed grasses not moving an inch. Off in the distance, the sounds of machine gun fire could be heard, with someone yelling out, in a slightly slurred voice, "WE GOTTA BLEEDER 'ERE!!"

the "Bleeder" was a tall Tigress clad in Armor stolen off a Talon Company Merc, and she wasn't bleeding in the slightest. With a calm nerve and steady hand, she batted away the drum magazine from her shotgun, and slapped a new one in place, tapping on it so it seated properly. A Raider charged her, to be met with a volley of buckshot that took his head clean off, then silence.

Now, most Humans, and even most Furries, steered clear of the shotgun, labelling it a piece of crap at best, a deathtrap at worst. But this Tigress wielded said weapon with reserved skill. Her name was Moirai, just Moirai, but she'd respond to any bevy of slurs thrown at her.

"Bleeder my ass." She smirked as she rummaged through the headless corpse, stealing his assault rifle, ammunition, and a pack of cigarettes he had, stuffing them in her pack.

She was a Springvale Elementary, a known hotbed for the drug-addled freaks known as Raiders. If one had the balls, one could make a tidy profit killing them off and cleaning house. She smirked as those words ran through her mind.

"Yeah...I got balls alright." She laughed to herself as she stood upright, looking at the structure in front of her.
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