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Okonomiyaki Panic! The Town Swarming with Pagumon

Okonomiyaki is that pancake-like stuff we saw in Savers during the Chika's birthday episode.
Japanese take on Pizza. I tried one in a local Kimpura restaurant before, and I must say its quite a yummy dish.

Shat. It is the mischievous Pagumons again. Who seem now to be taking self multiplication gimmick from Gremlins.
Pagumon are cute little devils... but since when they are white?
(11-12-2011, 11:41 PM)SnK Wrote: [ -> ]Japanese take on Pizza. I tried one in a local Kimpura restaurant before, and I must say its quite a yummy dish.

That's what I thought looking at pictures.
Wildbunch subs out ago. Go crazy.
I have to say, the Pagumon in this episode is definitely good. Can be troublesome and a bit mischievous at times, but not as worse as the Pagumons that appeared in previous seasons.
Well, Pagumon in previous seasons where wild or worked for the bad guys, this one is a Tamer Digimon or whatever word they use now.
A Hunter's Digimon? Part of an army? Maybe the first one.
I got this done. It just took a while.

We start with team Xros Heart winning a b-ball match against some other who cares. Tagiru wins while yelling about Okonomiyaki, that JPN pancake like stuff that could be good. Of course this is because Taiki told him he'd buy him some if he made the goal. They find a place but then get stuck in the Quartz as this one guy has been making tons of them cause of this Pagumon. So Tagiru hunts him but he got hurt with the hammer tail. He is just an IT. And White instead of grey.

So Tagiru is a pig but they got all of those for free so how could he not eat to much. Pagumon wants to be let out for a minute but when it does, it almost eats Tagiru's shirt. Then it flatters him and goes back in. Very cute. School: The team hears about some people eating chips (Like Lay's or Pringles) so Tagiru goes to hunt more after Pagumon says Jagamon is doing it. Jagamon is the Potatomon. Remember it from that one ep in Tamers? He find a place this is happening at and Time Shifts to find it is Jagamon and he hates Potatoes. Since he kind of is one. But before they argue about Pagumon wanting to come out too, Jagamon hits Gumdramon. But then he's gone. And the other group insults Taiki. Ryoma tells Tagiru that you need a special move to hunt it but Tagiru's going to mash that potato for sure. Speaking of Tatermon, he's by a potato patch. Before they can attack him though, he digs and then throws one at them. While Gumdramon plays wack a tater, Pagumon makes a crack about him not being able to do it. Which he can't even with Pagumon's help. The other three find this funny. Ryouma then has Psychemon shock everyone and beat Jagamon to catch him. The pair is ok but Pagumon thinks it's all Gumdramon's fault while Gumdramon thinks it's Pagumon's fault. The arguing makes Tagiru's Xros Loader spring a leak. No wait, that's just Pagumon crying. And this continued argument causes Gumdramon to run away. Into Ryouma's Xros Loader!

Tagiru gets mad about this and runs while Gumdramon isn't happy that he did. Back at school, he explains everything and lies that he's fine with this happening. Back at his house Pagumon wants out to say he's sorry but is sad Tagiru doesn't smell like Okonomiyaki. But, Tagiru will make some as a snack though. He makes it but it turns out, Pagumon just wanted to smell it. Then Tagiru feeds him some and he goes nuts. And Oh no! We're all Gremlins/Tribbles up in this ep. And the PaguWave goes out to eat more. Way back at the place they first found Pagumon, he finds a big digital hole. So he Time Shifts to see that the poor chef guy is having to feed more and more Pagumon. If only Tagiru had Gumdramon to make Pagumon get back into the Xros Loader. But maybe Metal Tyrannomon will help. He does for a while but then there's too many and Tagiru has to leave but then as he puts MetalTyrannomon back in and runs, he gets PaguPiled. He gets out of it and runs.

Now we have Ryouma and Astamon watching Octomon and Ebidramon fighting. He doesn't want either so he'll just leave. Gumdramon is surprised at this and then lies that he doesn't miss Tagiru. Back in the real world, the Takoyaki shop is gone. Those are little Octo-dumplings. They look good too. And the poor guy inside the Quartz is getting overworked. A Yakisoba place is also getting overrun. Those are fried Noodles. Now another store is attacked... No wait, just Taiki and Yuu running to where Tagiru is. Ryouma is of course watching. It seems like Gumdramon is shocked to hear about this. Taiki and Yuu end up at the Time Shifted Okonomiyaki place but get their Xros Loaders knocked into the batter. Now they'd have to find out which ones has their Loaders in them. Oh boy.

Ryouma. Is. Everywhere. He understands that Swarming can beat power much like one of those bullet hell games. Anyway, Gumdramon is upset and wants to be let out so he can help the situation. Even if he says he doesn't care. Noe that Taiki and Yuu found very, very hot Xros Loaders, they can help hunt all these. Then Gumdramon shows up. After hearing about this, Gumdramon has a plan. Of course Ryouma didn't want Gumdramon to start with. And so, the world's biggest JPN pancake is made to lure out the Pagumon. That is a huge thing. It really is. And it gets all the Pagus to chase it. He runs all the way to the school pool, which is dry of course, and they run him over. But the theme is playing so he'll be fine. And so, this plan ends up with Gumdramon swimming to make all the Pagumon in to batter. Since they were actually that to start with. Who knew.

So now we have a big batter monster but Shoutmon reloads and cooks it all into the F-ing biggest Okonomiyaki ever. Gumdramon then uses his tail to cut it open and Pagumon pops out. He sees everyone is pissed but didn't know what happened. So he goes back into the loader. So making up and arguing around. But one question. What are they going to do with the giant freakin Okonomiyaki?!

Anyway, Intro Corner with Pagumon. Xrosing it with Bastemon to make PaguBastemon. Pagu sticks to her butt and makes fart noises. ...Uh...

Hey! Remember the money-Mon some fan made? It's in the next ep with that other kid from the opening and his Dobermon.