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Well not sure if you guys use tohers ways of chatting with each other but I thought if you guys want to talk to each just to talk you could do it in this thread. So its kinda like a chat room so you be nice when chatting of course, have fun and well chat of course ^.^

So how is everyone today?
bAAAAAAAA(sheep)d, I totally got screwed on my work schedule. >.>'
oh how did you get like 10 big projects at once?
Well, I've got 4 big personal projects I'm working on and I'm working 34 hours this week. Leaving me two days off--tomorrow and wednesday (I'll be gone wednesday, that's when I run off to bible study)
Soooo... my projects will all be static'd until (hopefully) next week.
humm sounds likea busy week ahead of you unless you want to put the personal stuff on a slow donw and take your time with them.
I'm bad at slowing down ^.^;
lol well mabye if you plan out days you can do the personal things and then mabye a dayor 2 when you dont so you dont like burn yourself out.
Me? I don't really burn out. I'm one of those people who get really pissed off without anything to do.
XD I am a person who never knows what he wants to do so dont know how you could get mad when doing nothing. BUt in either case I do hope you are able to get everything done with out any troubles. ^.^