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Full Version: new rp pitch! This time in SPACE!
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My latest atempt at rp creation is finally here! First of who here has seen any of the macross series?
Nope. Sounds promising though. What i's it?
You'll have to look it up I can't really explain it. But my idea is for a startrek style exploror team using the races from macross. I'd make a fine zentraedi.
GAH! Is no one interested in this idea?!
(no one knows what the idea i's XP)
Well like I said, the rp is a space adventure featuring an exploration ship and it's crew. All of which is based in the macross universe. So we'd be making characters based off the races of that series, using spaceships of similar style to theirs, as well as piloting mecha like there's too. To break it down, flying randomly through space, badass giant robots, hot aliens, and fun! Here's a place to watch some good macross http://www.watchanimeon.com/anime-list/#M Dunno which comes first though from what I've heard you can kinda watch them however you please. They almost all have huge timegaps between them, some even a hundred years or more.
I think I remember this show. Is this the one that had jets turning into humanoid forms to fight giant humanoid aliens? I think I vaguely remember it.

Also, do you have to be an alien or can you be human?
SInce there are humans in the series yes. I said using races from it and that includes them. I kinda hope most people go with humans and such sized beings. I like the idea of being the alien giantess. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdN2TO8ktEg&feature=feedlik