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*lays out a box of all the possble to move around weakness of psyco and lables it "cupcakes and porn"*
Nice to see your enjoying yourself death. I think cupcakes and porn could be anyone's weakness. Honestly who can say no to either?

Mmmmmm cupcake and porn....
Well, welcome to the Digiartists' Domain Community! if you think someone here is crazy, its because it is!
I'm not crazy! Tell him commander sparkles, *Stares at an empty spot on the floor* See? He vouches for me.
Oh, so this is the sparkly thingy you always run after! Now everything makes sense.
Haha, psychosis is a myth invented by zealous mothers who beat their children to sleep at night! Everyone knows that! *Talking to a cactus*
...Worst part: he's half right... The other part is that's not actually a cactus...
It's cactus mcoy, greatest outlaw of the wild west! *Dresses the cactus in a sheriff's outfit with six shooter*

Slash: I thought you said outlaw.

Oh yeah, *Hands the cactus a samurai sword*
*cactuar eyes open, runs away a high speed* Looks like we've shifted into FF... *thinks for a sec* ...if somebody were to capture/kill it, we'd all get like 10000 exp. ...
Kamehameshadoken! *Fires a dark beam of energy at the cactuar, missing it by inches and blowing a hole through a dozen buildings before firing into space and destroying jupiter* Dangit missed, alright, this time I'll get him.
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