This is a lemon that contains adult material (sex for all the dummy's out there) and if you are under 18 then you can't read this (frankly I don't give a damn lets say if your old enough to know what sex is you can read this)

I do not own digimon. Toei animation and Fox Kids do

This takes place when Ken is still the digimon emperor. For now it’s still a digimon fic but later on it will turn into a DBZ thing but I use my own thing, what I mean is that it will not be with Saiyans and planet Vegeta but with my own species and planet, well actually it’s still the same instead that the Saiyan race is called something different. But I’m not telling it yet and also instead of the dragonballs they have something else

Ok before we begin I like to say that I'm not from an English country so there can be some spelling mistakes in my stories. Please don't flame me for that. Now on with the lemon.

The Crystalcrests Z series 1: And So It Begins coupling: Veemon/Gatomon

By The Ganjamancer

It was like a normal day. The school was just ending so the digidestenid where coming to the computer class.
TK, Davis, Yolei and Kari where already at the class with their digimon Patamon, DemiVeemon, Poromon, Gatomon and Upamon who was waiting for Cody who was already 45 minutes late.
“Where's Cody?” Upamon asked.
“Something is wrong here.” Kari replied. Just then as if to reply Kari the D-terminal went off.
“Hey an e-mail.” Yolei said hearing the buzzing of the D-terminal
“That's probably Cody now.” TK said while putting on a relief smile. Kari begins reading the e-mail and her eyes grew wide
“Oh no the digimon emperor has caught Cody!” Kari yelled out
“WHAT!” Everyone yelled
“What do we do now?” Poromon asked speaking in his usual British accent.
“Free him of course” Davis said.
“Yeah let’s go.” DemiVeemon replied.
“Hold on.” TK shouted
“What TC?” Davis said obviously mispronouncing his name on purpose.
“We can't just go off to the digiworld, who knows what traps the digimon emperor has laid out for us and what about our parents, it will probably take more than a day to free him.” TK said his words making very much wisdom.
“Cody's grandpa knows about digimon right?” Gatomon asked.
“Yes.” Upamon replied.
“Well how about two of us go to the digiworld and search a place where we will be safe and two of us tell all our parents.” Gatomon replied
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Davis said a little too happy. “Me and Kari will go to the digiworld and TK and Yolei tell al our parents.”
Everyone looks at Davis but comply because they want to help Cody.
“O.K. and we will also get some stuff to eat and sleep, with my parents shop that will not be a problem.” Yolei said.
“Don't let that fucker get you guys too.” TK said
“Well let’s go digiport open.” Davis yelled out holding his Digivice to the screen and he and DemiVeemon are sucked in. Kari gets Gatomon up in her arms before she goes in too.
“We better go TK." Yolei said.
“Yea you’re right but I'm just curious, how did that fuck get Cody.” TK said
“I don't care, but if he does any harm to Cody I’ll kill him.” Upamon replied
“TK, are Davis and Kari going to be ok?” Patamon asked his partner. TK just stood there

“Ah man my head.” A child voice said.
“Are you ok?” A female voice asked.
“Huh? What digimon are you?” The child voice asked.
“I'm a Floramon.” Floramon replied. “Are you one of the digidestenid?”
“Yeah the name is Cody.” Cody replied. “Where are we?”
“We are in the digimon emperor jail.” Floramon told him.
“WHAT!” Cody screamed out but regrets it because his head feels it's about to explode.
“Aha I see my guest is awake.” A strong voice said who was standing into the dark.
“Who are you and what do you want with me?” Cody questioned.
“Are all you digidestenid idiots?” The voice said coming out of the dark. “It is I, the digimon emperor.”
“Let me out of here!” Cody shouted to Ken.
“I'm sorry. I can't do that, you’re my bait for my master plan.” Ken laughed
“Yeah what's that?” Cody asked sarcastic. “Being beaten by us again?”
“After I capture you all I’ll kill you.” Ken laughed again. “But I’m not that bad I even left someone in my jail so you wont spent your last days alone.”
“You just wait my friends will come and get me out in no time.” Cody yelled to Ken
“I hope they do, you see with you gone there are only four digimon that can armor digivolve and when they want to save you I’ll capture them too.” Ken said now very more serious. “Oh and next time don't be so helpful.” With that said he walks away laughing.
“What dose he mean by that?” Floramon asked Cody.
“Cody doesn't reply but thinks about earlier.”
“Can you help me please?” A girl the same age as Cody asked standing in a dead-end street.
“Sure what's wrong?” Cody replied while walking to the girl. But then a Bakemon comes from behind a dumpster pressing a tissue against Cody's nose having the effect of Cody falling asleep.
“Ok we got him let’s go.” The Bakumon said to the girl. The girl changes into a second Bakemon before they head of to Ken's place because there he is waiting for him.
<End Flashback>
“Is everything going to be ok?” Floramon asked Cody.
“Yea my friends will rescue us in no time.” Cody replied to the scared Floramon <At least that’s what I hope>

“Well we do need a save place in the digiworld to stay. Besides she is with Davis and the digimon.” TK replied hoping to calm down Tai.
“Oh and that is supposed to make me feel better?" Tai said. "But you’re right, it will go easier that way. I just hope that she is ok.”
“Don't worry. Davis is maybe a idiot and a hothead but he will never let any harm come to Kari.” Yolei said.
“Yeah, the only thing he will do is flirt with her.” TK laughed out.
“I want to help you guys but with those stupid control spires we can't do a damn thing.” Tai said annoyed.
“And what can I say. Without Cody I can only digivolve to rookie.” Upamon replied.
“Well we can use all the help we can get.” Poromon replied.
“You’re right. I’ll go get the old group and we help you guys. If you take out the control spires our digimon can digivolve to champion.” Tai said.
“Are you sure?” TK asked. “If we are attacked before we can take out the control spires you guys are in danger.”
“Hey don't worry we have six rookies, seven with Armadillomon who are used to fighting so we will be ok.” Tai replied. “You guys wait here and I’ll go get the others. I will be back in half an hour.” With that said he left to go get the others.
“I hope that Kari and Davis are ok.” TK said.
“Don't worry they will be fine, Gatomon and Veemon will protect them.” Patamon said.
“Yeah your right." TK said to his partner. "Hey Yolei how much food do we have with us?”
“We have enough to feed a entire army fore a week.” Yolei replied.
“With eaters like Veemon and Armadillomon we will need it.” Patamon said laughing.
“Hey I eat much because I need the energy.” Upamon replied.
“Yeah sure.” Patamon replied. “Well anyway let’s hope that Tai is back soon so we can teach the digimon emperor a lesson.”
“Yea who knows what is happening to Kari and Davis right now.” Yolei said worried.

“Rosetta Stone!” A stone came out of Nefertimon's back destroying a control spire.
“Fire Rockets!” A couple off fireballs came out of Flamdramon's hand destroying a second control spire.
“That where the last two control spires in a five miles radius.” Davis said.
“Good now we can set up base.” Kari replied. “There is a cave nearby, we can set the base up there.”
“You guys can rest now.” Davis said to Nefertimon and Flamdramon who where just de-digivolving to Gatomon and Veemon. “Me and Kari are going to check out that cave so you guys rest or something but look out, all the control spires are destroyed in a five mile radius but you know the digimon emperor, he has probably some traps laid out so you must be on your guard.”
“Don't worry, I will protect Gatomon.” Veemon said with a grin.
“More like I will protect you.” Gatomon said back.
“Come on Kari let’s go.” Davis ordered before he and Kari go to the cave.
“So what do you want to do?” Veemon asked Gatomon.
“I don't know, just rest I think.” Gatomon replied
“Oh ok.” Veemon said a little disappointed.
“What’s wrong Veemon?” Gatomon asked
“Oh nothing.” Veemon said back
“Common I know you for nearly six months now so what's wrong?” Gatomon asked again.
<Stupid your finally alone with Gatomon and you mess it up>Veemon said in himself<I can't just say I love you to her can I? >
“Veemon… um Veemon?” Gatomon yelled softly
“Huh? Oh huh yeah what's wrong?” Veemon asked
Gatomon giggled a little at seeing Veemon drifting away like that. “Nothing now what's wrong?”
“Um…say are you hungry?” Veemon asked obviously to change the subject.
<I wonder what's wrong with Veemon>She thought to herself. Gatomon knew it that he was changing the subject but didn't ask why. "Yeah a little."
“Good so what do you want to eat?” Veemon asked back.
“Anything is good for me.” Gatomon said.
“How about some fruit.” He said pointing to some trees. “And we can eat it behind that bush so if some slaves from the digimon emperor come they wont see us.”
“Ok let’s go.” Gatomon said before walking to the trees and bush followed by Veemon.
Veemon couldn’t help himself and looked at the feline before him< god she is beautiful>
<So he don't want to tell me what's wrong ha, we see about that>Gatomon said to herself getting a small grin onto her face. “Veemon, will you get that fruit please?” Gatomon begged with an innocent face.
“Ok but it will take a while I can't climb that good.” Veemon said.
“While your getting the fruit I will go walk around to see if no slaves of the digimon emperor are walking around here.” Gatomon said with a big grin on her face.
“Um ok.” Veemon replied seeing the grin onto her face before he starts climbing into the tree. Seeing Veemon climb the tree Gatomon ran of into the woods. <Aha these vines will do well>She said into herself before running back to the trees with the vines into her paws. When she arrived she quickly hid herself behind another bush and waited for Veemon.
<There that will be enough>Veemon thought before he climbs down with the fruit. When he was down he put the fruit onto the ground. <I wonder where Gatomon is, better go look for her>But before he can take a step Gatomon jumps from behind the bush and lands on Veemon.
“Well looks like I found me some food.” Gatomon said with a very big grin.
“Gatomon?” Veemon said confused. “What are you doing?”
“I want to know what's bothering you so tell me or do I have to be mean?” Gatomon demanded. “I brought some vines to tie you up so...”
Veemon began struggling but Gatomon is a champion, a very strong champion so he has no change at getting free.
“Now are you going to tell me or do I have to be mean?” Gatomon asked.
“Please don't make me tell you.” Veemon begged and began crying. Gatomon saw this and let go of him.
“Oh Veemon I'm sorry I was fooling around, I didn't want to make you cry.” Gatomon said to him. ”Is it really that bad?”
“Do you really want to know?” Veemon asked her.
“Well yes but if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to.” Gatomon said.
Veemon became a little purple at his head because he was blushing. Gatomon saw it but didn't say anything.
“I... I um I love you Gatomon.” Veemon stuttered out now blushing like crazy. Gatomon didn't know what to say. She always had a little crush on Veemon but he didn't seem interested in her but now Veemon said to her that he loves her. Veemon didn't know what to do so he turned his head because he was afraid to look at Gatomon. But then Gatomon jumped on him again pinning him to the ground. Veemon was now very afraid of Gatomon.
“Veemon what did you say?” Gatomon asked.
“Um that um I love you.” Veemon said to her expecting a smack into the face. But instead Gatomon began kissing him. “Gatomon?” He said now very confused because she just kissed him.
”Veemon do you really love me?” Gatomon asked to Veemon letting go off him.
“Yes I do.” He replied now more daring. “From the first time I saw you I loved you.”
“Then why didn't you tell it to me sooner?” She asked him.
“Because I was afraid that you didn't love me.” He said to her.
“Veemon, when I worked for Myotismon I was raped a lot.” She told him. “None of those digimon loved me, well non except Wizardmon but this is the first time someone told me he loves me.” After she said that she lowered her head to kiss Veemon again. Veemon saw this and let her lips connect to his. <I can't belief this is happening>Veemon said to himself.
Now very more daring he opened his mouth and let his tongue out. Gatomon felt this and opened her mouth to. They where now French kissing. Gatomon who was on top felt something pressing against her leg. Looking down to see what it was she saw Veemon's 6 inch blue cock coming out of his pouch. Veemon saw to what she was looking at and began blushing again. She moved one of her paws and grabbed Veemon's cock.
“Well what do we have here?” Gatomon asked sarcastically. Veemon felt her paw grab his member and let out a gasp. She saw this and starts to jerk Veemon off. Veemon felt this too and let little moans escape his mouth.
“You like that?” Gatomon asked him.
“Yes please don't stop Gatomon.” Veemon begged her.
“Then you love this.” She told him before she lowered her mouth and licked Veemon's cock. Feeling Gatomon lick his cock Veemon let out a loud moan. Hearing Veemon moan like that she brought her mouth directly over his cock and took in the head of his cock. Veemon let out another moan and placed his hands onto her head. She began bobbing her head up and down onto his cock taking more and more in of Veemon's cock. She deep throated him while her paw begins playing with his balls. Now that Gatomon was deep throated him he went over the edge and came into her mouth. Gatomon was surprised as he shot load after load into her mouth but she swallowed anyway.
“Gatomon that was great.” Veemon said out of breath. “But don't worry I give it back.” With that said he threw her off him and pinned her to the ground.
“Veemon?” She asked surprised.
“Don't worry, you will like it.” Veemon said before he lowered his mouth to her pussy. He was a virgin so he experimentally licked her ones. Gatomon felt the pleasure and moans out load. Hearing her moan he licks her again. Now more daring he sticks his tongue into her pussy and start lapping up her juices. He found her G-spot and started to suck on it. Gatomon felt her climax coming tried to hold it but failed and came. Veemon licked up her flowing juices until he got it all.
“Veemon did you do this before?” Gatomon asked him. “Because it was great, thank you.” She then kissed him again but saw he started blushing again. “What's wrong?”
“Um can we go all the way?” Veemon asked her blushing like hell.
“Oh does little Veemon want to go all the way?” Gatomon faked baby talk. Veemon just nodded. She laid herself down and looked at Veemon. “Well what are you waiting for?”
“Do you mean it?” He asked her. Gatomon nodded. With that he positioned his cock to her pussy. With a trust he entered in her. They both feel this wave of pleasure and moaned out load. Veemon begin pumping into her while he lowered his head to kiss Gatomon. Gatomon moaned into the kiss and that gave Veemon more energy and pumped harder into her.
“Veemon please try to hold on?” She begged him. “I want to cum with you.” Veemon didn't reply but pumped harder into her trying to make her cum soon because he was failing to hold out much longer. With a final trust he came into her. Feeling him cum into her Gatomon came too there cum mixing together.
“VEEMON I LOVE YOU.” Gatomon yelled while she came.
“I love you too.” Veemon replied. "We better go clean up before Davis and Kari come back.
“There is a lake nearby we can clean up there.” Gatomon said while looking to Veemon who was again blushing.
“Um Gatomon will you be my girlfriend?” Veemon asked Gatomon. She didn't say anything but kissed him. “Dose that mean yes?” Veemon asked her.
“Of course it does silly, I love to be your girlfriend but we need to keep it a secret for now.” Gatomon said.
“Why?” Veemon asked her.
“Because we better tell them after we save Cody but don't worry we will find some time alone.” Gatomon told him before she kissed him again.
“Um Gatomon?” Veemon said while he began blushing again. (Gees he's blushing allot^-^) She saw this but didn't say anything. “Do you think we can take those vines for later?”
Gatomon got the message and began faking baby talk again. “Does Veemon want to play a game later?” Veemon just nodded. “Come on we better clean up.” Gatomon said while taking the vines into her paw. After they where cleaned up Veemon spoke again.
“Don't you find it weird that Davis and Kari are gone for so long?” Veemon asked.
“Yeah you’re right.” Gatomon said getting a little worried. “Maybe they where attacked by slaves from the digimon emperor, we better go to that cave ASAP.” They began running to the cave while they where yelling Davis and Kari's names. When they got to the cave they saw that Davis and Kari where ok but where acting a little weird.
“Did something happen?” Gatomon asked her partner.
“No nothing has happened.” Kari nervously replied. Davis was acting nervously also.
“Ok so is everything set up?” Veemon asked them.
“Um yes.” Davis replied his digimon. “Well we better go in and wait for the others.” He said before he walked into the cave followed by Kari.
“There is something not right here.” Gatomon said to Veemon.
“Yeah tell me about it.” He replied. But then Veemon let out an angry moan.
“What's wrong?” Gatomon asked him.
“We left the vines at the lake.” Veemon replied. Gatomon just laughed.
“Come on we better go in.” Gatomon told him before she gave him a kiss and walked into the cave followed by Veemon.

Yea I know, you probably expected a bondage lemon ^-^ but I'm a real fan for Veegato (and Daikari) and I wanted it to be a romance lemon so the kinky stuff will happen later.

Why where Davis and Kari acting so weird, Will Cody be saved.
If you want to know the answer for these questions join us next time for Digimon, The Crystalcrests Z Series (part 2) Secrets Come Out.

There you have it. Part 1 from my ongoing series. If you like this
story (good for you^-^) or you think it stinks (shame you><) then email me at also email me for some
requests ore just to talk on msn messenger.