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Happy Birthday Senjuro!
Today's the day for the Man who keeps this entire site running!

Happy birthday Senjuro!
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Happy birthday!

Crimson: Hmmm, all out of Renamons and I'm all out of cakes for them to jump out of. Guess I'll have to give you this. *throws a Angewomon holding a pie into his arms*
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Happy birthday!!
Happy B-Day Senjuro! Wishing you all the best!

And, as a small token of my gratitude, for all the hard work you've done here, at DaD...I'm sending you a donation via PayPal.

Hopefully, I'll be able to send more, as time goes by.

(Come on, all you 'regulars' out there (or anyone else) can make donations, too.)

[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Happy Birthday Senjy!

Hope you have a wonderful day, and that you enjoy it as much as you can! We all appreciate the hard work you've put in for the site, and I'm sure we're thankful for how diligently you've managed your important role as Treasurer!
UnknownH Wrote:We do have soap and smarter doctors now
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Happy birthday, Senjuro. I hope it's not too hectic for you.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Happy birthday! X3
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Happy Birthday! *fires a cupcake handgun at you*
I've been trying a new thing for birthdays.
Hope it was a great day.
Happy Birthday Sen! another one for the count :P
[Image: patagatokiss2.jpg]
PataGato All The Way!!!

Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Thanks, you guys! I think this might be the second birthday thread for myself I've ever had. It means a lot to be remembered. I had a wicked awesome day :3
FCWm2afrw A-- C- D H+ M P+ R+ W Z Sm++ RLET$/M$ a c++w e+++ f h+ i++ j+ p+ sm+

Avatar art by Fluke