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Catch Phrases
I gots a few!

"Good friends come and go, its whether they come back that matters."

Ray: *still waiting for them to come back* ...Doof.

"Doof!" I say this a lot IRL, in place of more hurtful words like 'Idiot!', 'Asshole!', 'Reject!', 'Weirdo!' etc!

"Smoof?" Used in place of 'sex', 'yiff', 'Wanna do it?' and other suggestive terms.

"Ploof." Equivalent of 'pussy' or 'coward'.

"Moof." Like 'move over', 'get out of my way', or 'excuse me!'.

I also say "Gosh!" a lot!
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
I got one that I use...

"Holy hell!"

I sometimes use this in place of a cuss word, or mostly if I'm surprised lol.

(Um... this kinda looks like it should be in the Spam Room. Just saying of course. ^^')
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Probably, but this isn't what I call spam

Venin's definition of Spam: 1) random crap that no one really pays any serious attention too.
2) a strange meat-like substance from Mars.

Now THAT was spam, plus this General Chat forum said "Stuff normal people wouldn't want to hear."

Well, NORMAL doesn't exist, because everyone's different. I mean, find one NORMAL person in here...yeah,I mean what IS normal? Everyone does something different than others, so NORMAL like NOTHING doesn't exist. OH! THAT was spam, so this forum is basically a free-for-all forum. This may probably sorta kinda maybe gonna be moved, so this little spammer paragraph will be to no avail, THUS proving my point about SPAM, so I win either way.

Shira: Win what?

Venin: I do not know.

Shira: Dude, everything you SAY is spam.

Venin:...maybe to the no not really.

Shira: I think you overexgerrated your answer again.

Venin: You got a problem with dat?


Venin: MORE SPAM. YAY!! I'm so weird......and.....lovin' it.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
I say what's spam here. And this almost is. But, I'll let it stay here.
Venin... Did you drink too much again? O_o''

Anyways. I changed. I don't say "for the love of god" or "Oh My God" anymore.

I Say "For the love of the holy wings of the beloved lenneth valkyrie" (Yes this one was supposed to be a major ramdomness) and "Oh My Nyx O_o''"
Now major Joshua and TWEWY fan.
I don't really have any catchphrases; I have verbal idocyncracies.

I say "fucksauce" and "dicksauce" a lot. I also say "balls" a lot, too. My volatility is kind of my trademark, and when I say something alarmingly zen or chill, my friends get concerned.

I say "Byezor" a lot when I'm saying 'bye to people, even my mom.

"No dice" as a general negatory. Occasionaly, "Neg on that, chum" as well as referring to people as "chummer." I've also wished people "G'luck in your struggles."

I enjoy responding with "your face" a lot whenever people say something.

Example: "Gawd, this pizza is so greasy."
"Your face is so greasy."

I tend to use unusual words most people won't use very often. I'll say "fabulous" or "splendid" more than I'd say "cool" or "awesome." I prefer the word "calamity" to describe a bad happening rather than a "disaster."

I use internet shorthand in every day speech quite a bit. It isn't uncommon for my to say "roffle" or to use LOLspeak (usually only the subject-verb disagreement part).
FCWm2afrw A-- C- D H+ M P+ R+ W Z Sm++ RLET$/M$ a c++w e+++ f h+ i++ j+ p+ sm+

Avatar art by Fluke
... ... ...ur face is pizza. Lol, you won't believe what phrases I could come up with that have "ur face" in it.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
well the your face thing isn't really a catch phrase, it's a comeback.
UnknownH Wrote:We do have soap and smarter doctors now
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Yeah, but it's fun to say. Your face a is comeback phrase isn't catch. And no I wasn't drinking at all Sacchi.

Shira: Then why do you have an empty beer bottle in your hand?

Venin: Empty beer bottle? *smashes bottle on the back of Shira's head, knocks him out cold*
What empty beer bottle?
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"How 'bout no?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan