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Hell on wheels
I've hopefully got a fire test coming up this Monday evening...and I'm not looking forward to it. Not the test I mean, I always look forward to them...but I loathe the drive to and from the testing site.

While taking these tests, I've learned two things about life: while common sense isn't very common in life, it's virtually nonexistant on the road; and the place you're most likely to meet the most assholes is on the road.

Case in point on the first lesson; if for some reason you feel like going 100mph on a fifty mph road and the person in front of you wants to obey the speed limit, what purpose does driving up so close you're practically kissing his rear bumber and risking an accident if you speed up or slow down serve, especially if the other lane is open for you to pass him?

I can't count how many times I've been in that situation and for whatever reason, the other person feels the need to almost kiss my ass before getting the message that I'm not going to speed up and his best bet is to pass me. Honestly, do they get some kind of high from trying to scare people or get into an accident? If so, I hope they're prepared for the consequences...and I'm not talking about being sued. I have special plans in mind for anyone who ever gets me into a car wreck by being stupid.

Case in point on the second lesson: You want to know what's worse than the above? It happening at night, because then you have to deal with their damn headlights turning your cabin into day, making it hard to see ahead of you and doubling the chances of shit happening.

Yep, sometimes I have to take tests late in the day and drive home late at night, and again, I can't count how many times I've met some asshole who feels the urge to get right up my ass and shine his lights on me. Heck, sometimes they're feeling extra malicious and decide to turn on their damn high beams. Again, what is it with these people?

Is there some magic effect on the road that turns off peoples' brains and makes them complete dicks? Or do people already like that just feel a sense of freedom on the road?
Well, keep in mind, most people are just meatheads. Y'know, morons.

What really pisses me off are the "soccer moms" who insist on driving, no matter what the condition, at night with their high-beams on.

Hell, anyone who drives at night with their high beams on, and don't automatically dim them for oncoming traffic. Or people who use them during foggy conditions.
Those people automatically get a single-finger salute from me.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Everybody's in a hurry, but you're right; people often do not drive in a sane manner. I commend you on a rant about something that is universally annoying.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Meh, this is EXACTLY why I hate driving.
(04-06-2009 08:47 AM)Wisemon Wrote: Everybody's in a hurry, but you're right; people often do not drive in a sane manner. I commend you on a rant about something that is universally annoying.

I could believe that if not for the fact the other lane is usually clear for them to pass me.

Quote:Well, keep in mind, most people are just meatheads. Y'know, morons.

No, a meathead/moron is someone who is stupid. Assholes are people who are deliberatly rude/mean.
So I'm an asshole? Well that makes you an asshole for calling me an asshole. Now, we're evenly assholes! Yay!!
(04-06-2009 10:02 AM)MagusKnight Wrote: So I'm an asshole? Well that makes you an asshole for calling me an asshole. Now, we're evenly assholes! Yay!!

If the shoe fits.

By the way, being an asshole in and of itself isn't bad. But being one while behind the wheel and endangering the lives of others is.
Quote:being an asshole in and of itself isn't bad. But being one while behind the wheel and endangering the lives of others is.
Nice quotable, did you come up with that one? Unfortunately, most assholes can't cease being assholes even for the time it takes to drive home from work or to the supermarket.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Yeah, people drive like shit. I saw a guy fly through an entrance and exit to a gas station in order to not have to stop to take his right hand turn at the stop sign, he was doing like 40 mph too.

In the case of someone on my ass, I just take my foot off the gas (don't hit the brake of course). Of course, if they are extra close its a bit dangerous so I wouldn't do it then, but if they arent completely on top of me, they have to slow down, then I gun it to the speed limit and they usually keep the hell away. Of course that's not something for a new driver to do, but someone who is comfortable on the road shouldn't have too many problems doing it with safety in mind.

Believe in yourself! Not you who believe in me, not me, who believes in you.
Believe in you, who believes in yourself!
- Kamina of the Dai Gurren Brigade
Quote:Nice quotable, did you come up with that one?

No, it's part of the philosophy Robert taught me.