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The Recipes Thread
With food becoming a common subject here, I think it's best I made a nice little place for us foodies share recipes in this simple thread. Be sure to warn if the dish has nuts, dairy or is vegetarian.

To start, I'm gonna share with you a little something I've been making and loving it lots.

It's a Salmon Miso Stew with Apples. Anybody can do this!


1 Salmon Fillet (You can use Salmon head if you want.)
2 Sachets/3 tablespoons Miso Paste
1/2 an onion (sliced)
1 Tomato
2 Green Apples
1 Red Apple
2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce


1: Prepare ingredients, peel, core and slice apples into cubes. Slice tomatoes and onions.
2: Mix Miso paste with 3/4 cup of water and stir in a bowl.
3: Now grab a pot or a wok, heat it up and add a tablespoon of oil. Start by sweating the onions until fragrant. Add the apples next and stir well.
4: Add tomatoes in the pot and then leave some space in the middle for the salmon.
5: Pour the Miso mixture in the pot/wok and fill in more water to cover the ingredients. Add 2 tablespoons of Soy sauce for taste, and if needed, you can add more miso paste.
6: Stir gently and bring to a boil. Once boiling, let it simmer for about 5-8 minutes.

You can add leafy green vegetables at the end, but it's optional.

Serve with rice nice and hot and there you have it! :D Salmon Miso Stew with Apples.
MythBusters Pictures, Images and Photos

3000 posts baby!
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Hehe, excellent idea. I like to put garlic on grilled cheese before cooking, it's about all I can make decently!
...never heard of Miso. It sounds like an interesting dish. I think I might try it sometime.


Cowboy's Redneck Chicken and Rice

I came up with this during a stint where I was low on food, and had to improvise with what I had.


3 - good sized boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 - Cups of Rice

2 - medium sized squash, both yellow and green

1 - cup of "winter mix" frozen vegatables

2 - cans of chicken stock

1 - yellow onion



-Creole Seasoning

1 - tablespoon garlic

2 - tablespoons butter

-dash of olive oil

-handful of breadcrumbs


Slice the chicken breasts into strips, roughly 1 inch wide.

Season with salt, pepper, and creole seasoning.

Slice the squash into rings, chop onion into a fine dice, and chop/break up the winter mix frozen vegetables into a more manageable size.

Pour the rice and vegatables into a cassarole dish. Mix in the chicken stock, olive oil, and butter. Season with more salt, pepper, and creole seasoning.

Arrange the seasoned chicken strips across the top, and drizzle olive oil over them. Dust the top with breadcrumbs for added texture.

Cover dish in aluminum foil, place in oven preheated to 400 degrees for 35-40 minutes, or until the rice and chicken is cooked.

Serve it up on a plate, or if you're really hungry, just eat from the dish.


I was suprised at how tasty this recipe was, considering it was thrown together using scraps and stuff hidden away in the freezer.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
You can even check Youtube for recipes.

Cowboy(s) if you love your BBQ, here you go!

Hope you enjoy BBQ Clam Chowder.

MythBusters Pictures, Images and Photos

3000 posts baby!
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
i have a pretty simple one.

take a cracker, put a slice of meat on it. add thin slices of cheese on it. top with your favorite condiment. place another cracker on top and serve with a glass of your favorite drink. A simple snack for those lacking in ideas.

I've also got some nifty sandwich recipes that i've tried out myself and found to be nice.
1. Cheese, meat and tomato ketchup
2. Cheese, meat, tomato ketchup and mint sauce (some say eww. it's nice!)
3. Cheese and tomato ketchup
4. Meat with tomato ketchup OR with fruit jam
5. Banana slices and honey

and do NOT try 6. tomato ketchup and gelatin foods such as jelly babies. it makes them gooey and taste slimy and horrible. (I'm still recovering from it >.<)
UnknownH Wrote:We do have soap and smarter doctors now
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
I have a fantastic homeade pizza anyone can make. I make it all the time :P

1 pack dry yeast
2 Tbsp Sugar
1/4 cup water

Combine these and let sit for 15 min

2 Cup Wheat flour
2 Cup white flour
2 Tsp salt
1 Tbsp olive oil
Add water til mixture is sticky and thick, not runny. About another 1/2 cup

Combine all this and let rise at room temp for 1-2 hours

Lightly oil a pizza tray or cookie sheet and spread dough thinly on the pan. Don't spread it too thinly.....1/4 inch at least. Top with your favorite ingredients, I like a BBQ sauce base with pan seared chicken and fresh onion and mushroom. Any pasta sauce in a jar works good as a pizza sauce or you can make your own.

Then bake for 18-22 mins in a 425 degree oven.
Wow, BBQ chicken pizza. You got a good pizza here. :D
MythBusters Pictures, Images and Photos

3000 posts baby!
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds