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Sex Magic - Looking for New People PLEASE JOIN
Rellia popped in a romantic comedy and laid down on her bed..."should I...I do need to recharge but still...maybe after he leaves I'll just settle for half...or...well he is a boy...he'd probably jump at the chance...which one..." something had just hit her -not literally- (oh! I should call him up!) she got up from the bed and screamed downstairs "Hey! It's ready!"
Kain was constantly looking behimd to see Meg following him (she probably knows I'm one...which means...) He walks up to his house finally and turns around to take a good look at her, for a second it looks almost as if his pupils were like black, vertical, slits. (She's brimming with it...she's definitely a mage...but I doubt she knows I'm one, I'm to cautious...) he walked back moving towards her (maybe she could be on my need to make too many enemies...we could recharge eachother instead of the damn half charges I have to deal with constantly)

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RE: Sex Magic Reposted (New Plot Points) - by MagusKnight - 01-12-2009, 04:29 AM