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preggy lemon, please?
Yeah, I feel like reading a preggy lemon...

I don't mind how the story goes or anything, and pairings don't matter to me...

can be digimon or furry's/scalies...
I think there are some on DaD's lemon section, SaberGatomon has one where Gomamon got Gatomon pregnant, well with a digiegg but you get the point here is the link to SaberGatomon's section on DaD:

I'm working on a lemon since while ago, mine is Patamon/Gatomon one, but since it is still in early stages I still can add the preggy thing since it also would feel my plot perfectly, I still to tweak it here and there and finish it though ^^
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
I can make one, based on a dream I had. Just wait 'til I get comp back.
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you
ok, take your time guys... I just haven't read any good ones... one was based on a rape and it kinda sucked....blossomon raped Renamon and got her pregnant if I remember...
Well to be honest, in hentai what gets more attention is just the characters having sex non stop, is really rare the fan that likes pregnancy on lemons or even romance, most lemons are mindless sex, heck I even feel pity for Renamon and Gatomon they are the most used females in lemons followed by Palmon o.O

I'm working on my lemon right now I got a struck of inspiration with your suggestion, I haven't touched it in long time luckily it already has 8 word pages, in fact I had 16 word pages written but I felt I rushed the lemon scene plus I got a last minute idea time ago that needs the lemon scene to be removed for now to add an extra thing, after that the lemon scene will come and then the preggy of course ^^

Thanks Altima you got me my lemon writing mood to return ^^
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
uhm... YAY! I helped someone I didn't know!! maybe I might get lucky again ^_^

yeah, I guess I have a fetish for pregnant women... I don't know why... but the thought of a pregnant person just facinates me...
Yeah is very interesting, also is the natural law of keep alive the species, the neverending life cycle ^^

Also I always wanted to write a lemon where Gatomon would get pregnant with Patamon's child, I mean in non hentai there are several fics where she and Patamon had kids but in hentai there's none so I guess is time for one to appear XD
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Yeah...*wonders how their children would look like* hmm...*wonders how his kids look like* ahh... THATS how they look like..*wonders how his kids will be like* uhm... whoa... they're worse than me..
lol good one but with me on the wheel of this PataGato preggy lemon everything will be good for them xD
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Heh, I hope... Your life DEPENDs on it... :P jk... lol, I've been playing guitar hero the whole time since before I posted this topic... XD