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not another susie problem rpg(lord patamon come here please)
nekomon:mom's been gone for a while wonder whats up

gatomon:*a cute baby dress on but no diapers run toward her house*she almost got me with the diapers but a escaped nekomon open the door

nekomon:*opens door*cute dress mom but don't you think you need your diaper

susie:*chasing gatomon with a diaper*come back baby

gatomon:don't encourage her you know I hate this

patamon:oh no not a again*hides in closet

ooc:lord patamon will you play susie and patamon for the rest of the rp
Creative Minds
OOC: o.O too bad Chibi Biyomon isn't here, she is the best Susie ever ^^;

I'll see what I can do ^^
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
hehe funny, I better get Henry over here before Susie ends up abducting Gatomon and Patamon
nekomon:I might cross over to the susie side guys

gatomon:if you do your grounded for a month

nekomon:I don't feel I have to listen to you

gatomon:what are you talking about your my child

nekomon:*points to gatomon's outfit*look in a mirror and see if you can be sure of that
Creative Minds
Kari: *enters* I think I better pack some mace incase Davis follows me around school agai.... Gatomon? whats with the dress?
gatomon:*explains to kari what happened with susie*(see first post)

nekomon:*sniggers and giggle the whole time his mom is explaining things to kari*

gatomon:*gives nekomon one hard spank*

nekomon: ouchies*rubs his sore tushie*
Creative Minds
Biyomon: *perches on the window**blinks* why is Gatomon wearing a dress?
nekomon:*stands completely still suddenly senses biyomon opens window*before I get into that tell me why you are looking in our window being nosey

gatomon:that no way to treat a friend*gives nekomon another hard spank but just one*

nekomon:*rubs his tushie*ouchies*then blush when he remebers that biyomon saw and heard the and he said a baby word like ouchies he is sure biyomon is going to giggle at him*
Creative Minds
Biyomon: aw *blinks at Gatomon still* so mind explaining the dress?

Susie: *suddenly enters* there you are kitty! *blinks* hi birdy! wanna come join us?

Biyomon: like heck I would! *flies out of Susie's reach*

Susie: aw! no fair! oh well *goes to Gatomon* now kitty why did you run away? your a naughty kitty
nekomon:well mom I see your busy I'll go now*pulls patamon out of the closet and takes him to where susie is

gatomon:NEKOMON don't do that to your father and come back here*uses cats eye hypnosis*

nekomon:*hypnotiesed walks to susie*

gatomon:*takes a few steps back*you two play nice*talking to nekomon and susie8

nekomon:*snap out of hypnosis*not don't leave me with her
Creative Minds