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N008s: What are they good for?
Noobs are not people. They are a sentience grown from talentless people who try to act like the biggest badasses on Earth. They don't get better. They don't level. They don't evolve. So what good are they? What is their purpose?
Free kills? Amusement? Torement other experts in games with their terrible ranking and gameplay?
The Mod Squad
good to ban after then spam after they get killed in PvP? xP

yeah...most n00bs in Ragnarok are just Assassin Cross, the most noobishly easy class to level in the whole game, with the most noobishly cheapass skills.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Noobs are annoying because they ask annoying questions like, "Where do I get Stormwind Spices?" Is that not evident in the item's name?

They're also fiendishly difficult to keep alive when you demonstrate a willingness to save them from their own stupidity. Don't waste your time protecting or escorting one; they'll eventually pull a dozen mobs that you can't effectively handle on your own and get you both killed. And they still won't thank you.
Absolutely nothing! Say it again! Now then, Who gets that joke.
I do!
They're good for a laugh, a level 10 guy asked if I could help him through that swamp place in WoW (Can't recall the name but it's by Theramore island) which is full of like lvl 30s. So I walked him into the dead center of it then used multishot to hit 3 enemies grouped around eachother then just feigned death and laughe my ass off as they charged him and killed him.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
One word Paladin. No offense to those who like it or are rather good at them but Paladin class in WoW is the most noobish class ever and there are so many of them! Paladins get millions of healing and buff spells, they have a completely invincible bubble spell that makes the invulnerable to any damage for three minutes so he/she can heal themselfs or drink a potion, they're a plate wearing priest class who can use sword/axe/mace and shield or the cool polearms.
Noobs are good for laughs. I miss being called a "Pussy face" by 10 year olds on Xbox Live. Mmhmm.. Good times.
Oh man that reminds me of a hilarious letter I read in one of my magazines. This older woman, I think like 50s or something, was playing around like midnight or something and swears when she gets killed. A few seconds later some other woman comes on and starts yelling at her for swearing at her 8 year old son. Who the heck let's their kid play games at midnight? That's adult time.

but back on subject, the worst noobs are the guys that call people noobs just for asking a simple question. If someone lvl ten, asks another lvl ten for help with a quest it's not okay to call them a noob. That's how the game works, people at close levels team up to take on quests. That's the only person on MMOs that I hate more than the 'how u mine 4 stuff k thx' or 'giv me 20g plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Continue for 3 pages) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' those people should have their characters shot.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad