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Good news :)
Well.. not sure where this would go, but I think this is about as good of a place as any.. If I'm wrong, then go ahead and move it.. I just don't see it fitting in anywhere else..

Anyway.. This begins with something that isn't good at all, but hopefully the end will be better..

Alright.. so we were on our way home from work, when we decided to go to the mall. When we got there, I happened to see my oldest brother and his son.. I was bout to simply dismiss them from my mind as I usually do when I one of my brothers.. but then I saw Dave (my brother) hit his son, sending him to the ground.. even as far away as I was, I could hear the cracking sound as the poor kid's arm broke...

I stepped in between them, something I would have done anyway, but the fact that it was my nephew gave me that much more incentive..

My brotehr swung at me, and I just let him hit me... Dan on the otehr hand.. ran foreward and hit him back for me.. That was the first time I had ever seen him hit someone without holding back...

Kim called the cops at that point, though she wanted to hit my brother too, she controlled herself well enough.. As a result of this little fight.. after seeing to it that my nephew's arm was taken care of, by driving him up to the hospital ourselves after talking to the cops, I was awarded temporary custody of him since his mom and dad are both in jail for different things...

Next week, we have a hearing to go to.. if it goes well, then I will be awarded permanent custody of Kenny (my nephew.) But no matter what happens, I know that my brother or his drug addict wife will not get their hands on him again.. We know too much about what they have done in the past for them to get off without something happening.. (It also helps that the judge who is handling the case is one of the most open minded people in town.. Kim has dealt with him before.)

I'll let you know how this turns out.. but for now.. I will probab;y not be on very much.. gotta spend some time getting to know him better so that I can do this right.. And I need to make him relax as much as possible.. the doctor was pretty adamant about that one.. So I'll listen.
#2 it definitely sounds like you didn't inherity your family's mean streak. Kudos on having the self-control to not beat him to a bloody pulp. Sounds like he's in much better hands with you, though. He's not even your kid and you're taking better care of him than his parents did. That's pretty commendable.
Total kudos, I would have just beat him down.. then again at the malls where I live the cops would have swarmed him.... =p

Hope you get custody!
Veemon's Followers
Congradulations on your potential custody. Good luck.
.... I'm sure all will go well. It'll be tough, but it will work out.
I wanted to beat Dave down... but my brother beat me to hitting him.. So I did what came natural to me, and went over to protect Kenny and Paul... After calling the cops of course.. So far it looks like things are going well. Dave is still in jail, and his wife isn't supporting him at all in this.. Jason (Paul's other brother) called a little while ago.. and while I didn't hear everything, it sounded like there was an apology on the other end of the line.. So it seems like Dave is gonna be fighting this all on his own... and from the sounds of things, he may not even be the father, so he might not have even that to fight with..

Paul is busy, or he would be telling you all of this.. but since I am here. I'll do it :)

I know at least part of how this will turn out.. but the rest of it is kinda up in the air.. I know Dave will not be getting custody again, so that is a small victory. I just hope that it goes the way we all want it to.. Those two look so happy right now.
I have to agree with Senjy and the rest, very well done. I hope your future will be bright and vast, and we hope you get custody. Let that be a lesson to someone who hurts another being for stupid shit.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Well that's good. I think all good kids deserve a good family life.
Well, today is the big day.. Paul is really nervous, so he doesn't feel up to saying much right now. We are about to go out for awhile, then it will be time to go to the hearing.. With any luck, we will have some good news to tell you all later today.

I'm a little nervous myself, but mostly because I'm not sure how much of what I know about our legal system will apply here... I do think that the judge will probably ask Kenny what he wants, since he is old enough to know.. and way too smart for his age (six and a half)

One way or another, I know he will be happier than he was before.. and if things don't go as well as we hope.. Then at least he will have some good memories to hold on to.

Anyway.. Taking off now.. See you all later!
I am rather happy about your attempt to better a life for a child that went through a hell of the worst kind and it warms my heart that the human spirit proves itself in these examples. Well I am so happy that if you guys win that this kid will have a more fulfilling life and one that he could look on as, yea it was hard but I had some angels help out and get me out of this bad place. You are his light now and carry it with your being. I hope all goes well for your sake and his. Good Luck!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds