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Altima's Affair
please post only if you want your character to have a relation with mine in this Rp.

EDITED: ok well i'll have a max character cap of 7 characters...not 7 members, but the maximum amount of characters in this rp...

Plot: Altima is a loner in this world, he's never had a date in his life....that is, until he found a magic . this somehow gave him the ability to date people with ease. maybe too much ease, he suddenly becomes extremely wanted by everyone...this story tells the events, all how it happened.

Post Profile here...

Orientation: yaoi/yuri/straight/bi
Member size/Breast size:
Special traits:(anything special your character has?)

Name:Altima Carpine
Height: 5'6" male, 5'2" female
Orientation: bi
Description:He is a dragon standing at 5'6", he has grey scales. wears a trenchcoat, with a tunic underneath, wears casual pants, with Army boots. essentially looks like my signature. when he hit puberty, he gained the power to change genders at will.
True Dragon Form: transforms into a Dragon 2 to 3 times his nromal size, this includes, but is not limited to, increase in size, larger muscles, etc.

Transmutation: can change genders
Member size/Breast size: 7 inches by 1.75. c-cup breasts
Special traits: Eyes turn red when nearing climax. can cum a lot, generally can control flow. can change genders, choosing which parts he wants out.

[Image:] heres a pic of his female form(sorry i couldnt get her nude...)

[Image:] for those of you that want a closer look...
i want to be in this one, but i cant decide whether it be Tiffandrix or Vook. :?

Edit: decided.

Name: Vook Dorius
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Dragon
Languages: English, Dragoon.
Occupation: None right now
Nationality: Unknown
Personality: Playful, likes to take challenges. Has a horny side when aroused.
Skills: Magic (a whole shit load of it)
appearance: scales are shiny silver, and belly is red.
Breast size: D, E-F with Growth
Height: 7' 5" size varies with Growth.
Weight: 180
Orientation: straight or yuri
Special Skills: "growth" which can be used on any part of the body
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Hi! This used to include an old post, but due to ancient egypsun spoiler attacks, the old comment seems to be missing! Terribly sorry for any inconvenience!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
ok well, do you guys/gals wanna start? or shall we wait a little more?
i dont care. :) start whenever you want.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
ooc: ok well lets start this then!!

IC: "seeya, Alt!"
"Later!" Altima called out to his friends as he began to walk back home. He and his friends had just gotten finished with school for the day, and Altima was going to head home as soon as he could, even though it was the weekend. Altima never had plans during the weekend, the few reasons he didn't do anything was because for his age, he...sad to say... didn't have a girlfriend. he had never really talked to a girl before, sure the few he talked to were friends...and only that. the second reason was because, while he was alone, his friends all had Girl friends and they would go every weekend to watch to movies or go to the fair.

As Altima passed 3 blocks, he decided to take a shortcut through the alley. As he picked his way through the rot and disgust that made the Alleyway, he stumbled upon something, hidden in the baggage. normally, trash would never catch his eyes, but what lay before his eyes was unbelievable. it shone brightly, despite the lack of light in this damp, dark "shit-hole". he picked it up, to eye it clearly, the item in question turned out to be a bracelet, with a strange inscription on it, although a part of it was unlegible, due to it being covered in grime

Whom ever holdeth this bracelet will be granted his hearts true desire....

He couldn't believe his eyes, was he being decieved? could such a mere trinket grant him what he wished for? whatever the reason, he placed it in his pocket and resumed the journey home.

he greeted his mother upon his arrival, his mother asking him if he was hungry. Altima said no, rushing quickly to his room, where he took the bracelet out and dropped it on his dresser. he jumped on his bed and stared at the ceiling. suddenly it seemed as if the bracelet shone much brighter, as if calling out for him, for his attention. he walked to the dresser, grabbed the bracelet and slapped the bracelet on. upon doing so the light dissapeared. " that all this can do? stupid piece of... no wonder i found it in a dump." he said, as he moved his hand to unlatch the bracelet.

something was wrong though... he couldnt take it off! he yanked at the bracelt with all his strength but it wasnt working. he reached for a screwdriver in his dresser, to see if he could bust the latch, but when he put pressure and force on the screw-driver, the head broke off.
he swore as he tried to yank it a little more. finally he gave up, after exhausting any and all ideas as to how to take the bracelet off. as he lay on the bed, he wondered if indeed this bracelet worked.

OOC: sorry if this was too long... but i wanted to incorporate the bracelet into the story somehow..
OOC: forgot to make vook younger :P


Vook walked home from school the way she always did, passing the corner deli and the antique shop. she arrived at her house and walked in. she then set her bag down and said "i'm home mom!" but got no answer. "hmm...must still be at work again." she reached into her bag and got out her book and started reading.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"You did NOT just beat me again!"

A tune rang on the TV Screen, as a blue blur sped across the screen, and a laugh came from the left of it. "Oh, come on Karla, I beat you're time score by eight minutes! You missed the Super Peel Out at Wacky Workbench II and taken a glitch to the end of the act!"

"I don't cheat!" Came the reply from Karla, huffing as she crossed her arms. "I don't exploit bugs and glitches in the game, Azure!"

"Aww, why not?" The male; Azure, replied. "If you want to beat the World Record time for Sonic CD, you'll have to do it!"

"But that's the point! I CAN'T beat it! Not realistically! And the guy who got the World Record didn't use glitches!"

Azure took a sigh; and put a claw to his dragon muzzle. "...Sheesh... you and you're 'Oh, I don't wanna do this or that'...."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: it doesn't matter what age or gender really, this bracelet is both a blessing and a curse...kind of like the short story, the monkey's paw.

IC: suddenly, Altima had the perfect desire for himself...for he to be extremely desired. he thought of all the fun he could have if he had a girlfriend, thought of all the girls wanting him even more appealed to him than anything else. suddenly, the bracelet shone and was dim once more, without him noticing. as the day began to pass, he had a thought to go pass by the mall before it closed. he wanted to go check the arcade, preferably to play HotD 3 and 4 since they recenlty came out, unlike the first two.

he quickly got his shoes on, the keys, and his wallet. before he left, though, he told his mom he was heading over to the arcade. it only took him 10 minutes to get to the arcade. once he was inside the building, he quickly exchanged his dollars for quarters and quickly deposited 12 coins inside the arcade game. with it calling out "The HOUSE of the Dead", he pulled out the green shotgun controller and began blasting any and all zombies that got in his way.
Vook was reading all afternoon, for the book she was reading was interesting to her. she didnt even realize HOW long she had been reading when she looked up at the clock. it read 4:30PM. "when the heck is mom getting home? shes like, an hour late!" she decided to call her mother and see where she was. she dialed the number on the phone and it rang for a few seconds, then just reverted to the voicemail. "thats odd...she usually ALWAYS has her cell on....i hope nothing has happened to her..." and she shuddered at the thought, then decided to take a walk outside and enjoy the wam weather. which was more of a "fly" because she could see more.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan