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the four horsemon of Apoclamon
hmm...sounds interesting, you mind if you explain a little more about this?
Kai Wrote:How about put in BlackWarGraymon as War and Reapermon as Death
When it comes to Grim Reapers, I prefer Susan Sto Helit.
Anonmon Wrote:
Kai Wrote:How about put in BlackWarGraymon as War and Reapermon as Death
When it comes to Grim Reapers, I prefer Susan Sto Helit.

I get that reference, and heartily agree.

But, seriously, Phantommon makes a good Death. It's a good epic storyline, provided you can pull it off.
dont know if i can pull it of? mack a good RP thowe. lol
yeah, ok so it would make a good RPG, but can you please explain a litte more about what this is about? not meaning to be rude.

I know its about apoclamon coming back with two or four seals that bring him back...but what else is it about?
You might be right Herr but I was going for the Mega look of this. Also, fred brings a good point about this. Who are the heros and how will it begin?
fred_18 Wrote:yeah, ok so it would make a good RPG, but can you please explain a litte more about what this is about? not meaning to be rude.

I know its about apoclamon coming back with two or four seals that bring him back...but what else is it about?

well the Horsemon are trying to get thare master back by scruwing up the world enufe.
Garumon can chous digimon to mack war on oneanuter weth the granads on his shild.
Fimimon macks food wast away and can dran digimon energy becoming hungry and tierd.
Pestlamon controles and mackes vires bugs can carey a horrabul deseas that infects digimon and tares them apart on the insied.
Mortamon kills digimon and when thay die thay dont come back, no new egg at the primary villige just dead.

the hearos whod be the peopal from 02 i think. maybe
ok, may be a little hard to read this, but i get it. So, both teams of chosen will be participating in this as well...ok, and the main goal is to stop these four digimon from causing distruction and what is this taking place in both digital world and real world or what? also, is it just these four digimon or is there a whole army like always? anyway i better get going class is about over
I think the four horsemon should be like General of huge armys. That will make it much more interesting.
Wisemon Wrote:
Quote:spicked sheld weth granads on the back.
Yuck! I'm going to have to side with Herr Mullen on this one. Write all the stories you want, but don't expect anyone to read them when you write like that. Get a grip on the language, and then we'll talk about using it for a story.

Ed, i can help with the spelling / grammar in your story. you can just type it and i'll spellcheck it, so everyone else can read it okay. :D
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