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Pokerus X (A yiffeh Pokemon RP!)
Justin jumped back at the razor leaf and frowned even more "You're really becomming a really bad pokemon now! Now this is serious, let the pokemon go now!" he warned..wonder if this one is under the virus aswell. He put his two fingers together in his mouth and made a loud high pitched whistle.

Arcanine's ears perked up as she heard her trainer's familiar whistle "Oh.I have to go!!" she quickly dashed away and down the road towards her trainer.
Species:human? (hes a pokemon breeder who can spick with them)
Name/Nickname: Ed
Gender: male
Age: 19
Appearance: a littel homly, and sorta skrony, browen hare, wares a long coat weth big pockets, gray slacks, hikeing boots, a bealt weth a jigglypuff bucle, has thike fram glasses,
Personality: smart about pokemon, somewate shy, a sweet guy, romatic, pasaanet in alot of thangs, he loves pokemon and hes first time was weth one (a Ralts), he beleves this viris is the best thang ever and dosint want a cuare.
Sexual Interests: pokemon, big boobs, mind sex, hetro, lesbo, girls weth musels, all of his pokemon are infected
Owner: none

Species: gradever
Name/Nickname: sally
Gender: female
Appearance: she has a aweinspiering presinc of grace and butey, she has a b-cup , she is alredy ifected.
Personality: caring, nurcering, she is willing to sacrifice to mack those she cares about happy.
Sexual Interests: ed, the sisateve and vunarabul, the cute, ed, cuddeling,
Owner: Ed
Ed was for the most part lost, the pokecenter shoud be arond hire someware, it had bean a long day, caching pokemon and having sex weth them, stoping the reserch for a cuare with the help of some horny pokemon, maet a jigglypuff weth a mickrphon, but most intreging maut two peopel weth a talking meoweth thay seamd to be also thaking advantige of the vires to, all in all he was beat. so laying dowen he sawe a meoweth ballon floting over head, "humm you dont see that evry day."
some houers later after a nap

"RUN ITS THE PINK ROLLING BALL OF DOOM!!!" ed ran dowen the path full tillt then he shaw it the pokecenter " thank you god!" he sprented to the doo and thow it opein diving in sliding across the floor like ballplayer. the door did not shut in time so bessy rolled throw the door and in to the sorige room where she hit the shelf contaning the food weth a loud crash and came to a stop, seeing food she procided to fill her stomec.