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Place all doubts you have of this language in here. There are members that are willing to lend a hand.
Veemon's Followers
Yeah, can you teach me German?
Ich w
Renamon's Army
Something along the lines of "I wish I could speak/understand German" and than "I wish I could teach Ghost_Op German. If only I could". FTW.
Ghost_Op FTW.

Shame it can't translate Welsh and actually put it neater/understand it better then the other rubbish on the net.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Yes, a shame. You do know that was a joke before right Kyo?
Renamon's Army
Of course I did. If you were serious, you would've gone all out, which you didn't.

Anyway, back to people who need help with German...
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
I would also need a reason to hate you.

Which isn't anywhere to be found.
Renamon's Army
not that i need to learn german but i need confirmation on something... i heard from a bunch of people that in a famous speach where one of our presidents(i think it was JFK) goes to berlin and gives a speach.. at the end of the speach he says something in german... since i dont speak it i dont know what he said, but a lot of people translated what he said as "I am a jelly-doughnut" if indeed that is what he said... could someone please type it out in german? that way i can say that to my friends(i like to be completely random most of the time ^.^)
you point at Berliner. What is indeed such a jelly doughnut. But I am pretty sure JFK referred to be a member of the town and not being the jelly-doughnut.

The sentence was "Ich bin ein Berliner" which means really translated "I am from Berlin" and not "I am a jelly-doughnut"