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scariest thing...
what still puts fear in you to this day, or something that you were scared of that you still remember?
bugs... or for somthing a little less spacific anything very small, fast, and able to injer you... in any way (includes small itchy bug bites)

of cource not all bugs but the ones that will attack you such as spiders
well, the thing that freaks the hell out of me are slugs. i don't know why but they just do, not so much anything else unless it can flex, twist and turn and is fast or slow. snakes are nice though.

oh and small.
Slugs give me the heeby jeebies but my biggest fear that I will disclose would be... hmmm... worms... I flip out when I hold them...
Veemon's Followers
The dark...I like sleeping in the dark, and I'm fine as long as there's someone else in the room with me, even if its a little kid. But I always worry that somethings just gonna grab me and pull me into some horrible abyss thing...
I'm not really afraid of much, faced most of my fears and got over them. Heights still kinda freak me out but not as much anymore.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hmm, I'll agree with heights... Also depending upon the what is supporiting me. People.... not that bad, but I am still poor with people I don't necesarrily get along with.
Heights arent what scare me...being in really tall buildings scares me. I'm perfectly fine being on top of a really big building, just not in one. I dont know why, yesterday I was on the 20th floor, and I was allparanoid. I kept thinking the building was going to collapse.
I'll go with heights as well, they freak me out unless I know I'm on something sturdy. Other than that though, I'm fine with other stuff.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions