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Do you know what tomorrow is??? I DO!
I spoke today, but nothing I said really mattered or had any substantial effect.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
ha now i am at 70 not 69. Also no one i asked in my school had heard of this day not even my friend who recently came out of the closet
i did it from about 8 in the morning (when my friend reminded me) till...uhh...about 2:45, because gym is too much fun to be quiet in. But, i wasnt alone, we got about ten other people i know to do it with us. So, it was kinda like a game. :D
Bah- I couldn't stand silence- even before! I talked to myself a lot!
well for me the Day of Silence went off without a hitch. The only thing was a few rude remarks. I loved participating and if you don't have one in your school talk to your principal about it. Although alot of people thought it was pointless I thought it was a good expression of our beliefs :D
Veemon's Followers
i don't think it could work at my school. i go to a private christian school in the south where 75% of the people may be open minded i know that the other 25% percent are just rich rednecks and my school unfairly does what ever the alumni or richest parents want.
We had almost the same problem but it is something to be taken seriously and besides if your teachers or principal are behind it then the parents can't do anything about it lol
Veemon's Followers
Thats what i thought-only my school isnt private, but a lot of the kids are very christian, and find the ideas of lesbians or gays horrible. Myriah-a friend of mine- was sitting on my lap, and some kids started throwing shit at us. we were like "WTF???"
Shockingly though, one of the people who is a strong christian believer, but is still a half decent person, told me she thought it was awesome i was standing up for my believes. i was amazed. didnt expect that from her. :D
well we actually had a senior give a chapel talk last year and in it he admitted to being gay and i know for a fact i heard a few redneck dumbasses shout fag and other homophobic comments. i'm just glad they got in trouble