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Sketchy drinking stories
#11 sound like a fellow drummer, i dont drink myself but he sure does every other day. yeah and once he came to school wasted....that was hilarius.... so yeah those are good stories.. i guess :roll: :roll: :roll:
These storys are only funny when they happen to someone else.
So sen, your stories can be quite funny sometimes. Like shadow's was.
Well I can still appreciate their comedic hindsight anyway. At the time when I thought I was going to die, I wasn't having a whole lot of fun.
I don't drink either. When I was a kid, a month before I turned 10, I went to a wedding party, and they had some delicious looking juices. They were of strawberry, pineapple and orange. Both my cousin (who was 10 months younger than me) and me took a glass of strawberry juice and then a pineapple one. We both noticed the juice had sth funny, so I asked my mother about it, but she didn't notice anything strange. About half an hour later, we both started to feel horribly sick. I was sure it was the juice, so bothered by my insistence my mother went and asked the waiter...And guess what? The strawberry and pineapple juices had a wee bit of alcohol in them, so little that my mother didn't notice, but enough to make us kids sick. The son of a bitch waiter DID see us taking the juice, but said nothing. From that day on, I never touched the alcohol again. In long, the son of a bitch made me a favor, cuz when I was a kid I did want to try alcoholic drinks when I would become older.
Ah, you can't let an experience like that turn you off! You just need to find the right kind of drink for you. Try a white russian, they're sublime (if you like milk).

Well, it's time to relay the second last of my sketchy drinking stories. It will follow shortly.
You know, I just don't want to drink. I have no want to do so. That's it.
This one happened in December of 2004, around the 19th or 20th, I believe. Everyone was finished exams for the semester, and we all felt it was definitely time to party down in a big bad way. Naturally, I hopped on the bandwagon, and since my sisters' wedding was 3 or 4 days away, I thought a bit of premature merriment was well in order.

So we sit down at a friend's house with good ol' NHL 2005 on PS2 with our respective drinks, my poison this time being Vodka and 7UP (goooo Pepsi products!). After several matches of Belarus vs. Czech Republic (using international teams is funny, because they have hilariously un-pronouncable names, or ones that just sound funny. Hehe, Tembojivs.), we decided some karaoke was in order. Being the resident singer, and quite drunk, I was elected to give a rousing performance of Bohemian Rhapsody (to which I know all the words) and Welcome to the Jungle (to which I know none).

About a half hour and a car ride I don't remember later, we arrived at a girl's apartment, where she was having a HUGE party. The first thing I noticed when I entered was the overpowering smell of weed (a smell that I rather love). The second was that there were no glasses, so I got a sober friend with steady hands to pour the remainder of my mickey (we call it a flask here) into the remainder of my 2 liter of 7UP. The resulting concoction was probably strong enough to sterilize a puncture wound from a rusty nail. I loved every second of it.

There were several sketchy moments, most revolving around my friend making out with the skethiest girls you could possibly imagine. I don't really remember though. At that point, the night became a nauseous blur. Somehow I ended up home on my computer at 3:30am, checking out GameFAQS while my big bro was watching the original Batman movie on TV. I got a croissant and a glass of water from the kitchen. He was kind enough to set up the inflatable matress for me, since I was being kind enough to give my sister and bride-to-be my bed for her stay (I'm the only sibling of 4 that still lives with my mom). I ate the croissant in literally 2 bites and downed the water and lay down on the mattress.

5am, my stomach comes a-knocking, saying that it's time to do some spring cleaning. My brother, who's had even sketchier moments than I, was kind enough to leave a bin next to the mattress for me to make use of, as he knew I would.

I drifted in and out of consciousness for about...hmmmm...15 hours. I was non-functional till after 8pm. I couldn't stay conscious long enough to really eat or drink anything, and my short bouts of consciousness were entertainingly interspersed with seizures, nausea, pleas for death, and random gibberish that seemed profound at the time. Around 6pm, I managed to choke down a Gravol (Godsend!), a mouthful of water, and some dry cereal, and I slept til 8.

When I finally woke up, there were 5 glasses of water next to my pillow. One from my brother, one from mom, one from each of my sisters, and one from my girlfriend. I also remember overhearing at one point that one of my sisters that I should go to the hospital, and she called and talked to a nurse about my apparently severe alcohol poisoning.

I sang at her wedding on the 23rd, and it went quite well, even though the string quartet that played SUCKED ASS and I made up a little bit of the Gounod Ave Maria (a truly horrible piece of music that is so unsuited to the tenor voice that it made me want to puke). All in all, it went swimmingly, though my sister was worried that I'd break blood vessels in my eyes from all the wretching and look terrible for the pictures.

And that's that. was classy. But I saved the best for last, which was also the most recent. Not like any of you care, or can even relate to my frame of mind, since apparently no one here but me drinks, but at least I can entertain you, I suppose.
Yeah, that was enteraining. And informaive. It shows us why we shouldn't drink.
senjuro Wrote:Ah, you can't let an experience like that turn you off! You just need to find the right kind of drink for you. Try a white russian, they're sublime (if you like milk).

Well, it's time to relay the second last of my sketchy drinking stories. It will follow shortly.
Thanks, I'm fine as is. By drinking I can lose a lot and gain nothing.
Just make sure you're drinking with people that are nice or your friends in case you get drunk.