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Rather Puzzled.
On my way home today, with my walking length umbrella, trilby, sunglasses and total spy look going on. You know how I am. This chap lowered his window, expressly for the perpose of shouting the question "Are you gay?" at me.

What the bloody hell?

Why a fellow should roll down his window to ask a passing stranger, to whom he has no connection, which sex he prefers, is beyond me. Either the fellow was bored, seeking a rent boy, or a nosey bugger.

Well, you chaps all know, even if I do not care to say it, where I stand.

I refuse to be seen as gay or streight. I'd much rather people focus on my persona rather than my preference.

So I started out, acting streight, rebuffing his enquiry with various "What?"s and "Of course not!"s, and proceeded to move into sterotypical gay, with big hand gestures, the mad accent, and various "Ohmygod, I can't believe you just asked me that!"s, and placing stresses on verbs, such as "Do I look like a queen to you?"

Naturaly, they must has drove on with the impression "queer as a parrot, bent as a spoon."

On the same road, five seconds later, a lady with a simmiler accent to the chap who had just driven by, rolled down her window and asked "Are you gay?"

At that point, as I do, I saw the total humour in this, and shouted at her, "Thank you, so much! That is fantastic, that is brillient, thank you!" and dashed off. I believed them to be pulling a joke of sorts. It wasn't until ten seconds afterward that I relised they must have seen my stereotype buggery.

Not anything I feel bitter or angry about, just somewhat perplexed. Maybe, not so much of a rant as a spiel.
Hmm... very strange. Although it is weird that someguy just came up to you and asked that. He may have wanted to know for a certan reason if you get what I mean.
well THAT is damn rude. but your flaunting PRICELESS! why not play around with assholes like tht since they're never going to see you again, heh.

one can shut someone up and make them feel akward by just doing that. and if they happen to see you again, they'll just look at you.

(experience) unsure if that would work in your area though... hmm... good times...
It' aways fun to pretend to act like the stereotype people expect you to be.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hmm well i was in a parking lot at school and some guy just drove by and yelled fag haha wow i don't know why they did it at all it was strange oO;
This is a game that straight people play. We look for characteristics of homosexuals and try to guess whether or not we think they're gay. I did it just tonight on a guy with an effeminate voice (just not out loud). There's not always a judgment behind it. Sometimes, it's just a fun game.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I think everyone wonders about some people.

I'm more worried about people whose gender I can't readily identify than peoples' sexual preference. Androgenous people throw me off, especially if they wear name tags with one of those names like "Leslie" or "Pat" on it.
Wisemon Wrote:This is a game that straight people play. We look for characteristics of homosexuals and try to guess whether or not we think they're gay. I did it just tonight on a guy with an effeminate voice (just not out loud). There's not always a judgment behind it. Sometimes, it's just a fun game.
I think that's called gaydar. A lot of people have it it's just homosexual's gaydar works better then straight people's.
Tell them "Don't be stupid, stupid! You'll be good in anythang!"

though why people ask is always a puzzle, can you believe that I lost a baby sitting job because I looked scary!? Sure I am a loud person, and I tend to jump the gun, and sometimes snap and grab hold of the nearest child's neck and shake them like dice, but that's just me!

I can't help you but next time someone asks you, ask them right back!
No you should say, "Are you hitting on me?" If they are doing that gaydar thing that'll shut them up in a heartbeat AND embarass the heck out of them.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad