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Ok then. It wasn't. I misunderstood your post.
UnknownH Wrote:I changed my mind... I will just abduct you and leave you in the sun where you belong, Dark Blue.

YEAH!!! I LuRvE teH sUn!!
lol, belated april fools, UnknownH!
Ok sure. But my joke was funnier.
UnknownH Wrote:First I'm not an alien. Second only the homosexual aliens prob people in the ass. I wouldn't (unless you're a girl who likes that. heh heh)
And I'm not a green squishy blob with a clear head. So I wouldn't suck anyone's brains out. Since I'm not an alien.
Shadow has found some aliens who snuck in and have hid on his nose.
He should go to area 51 so they can remove it.
Now to sum up, I am not an alien. And I do not have a mission to breed with a human female. And no aliens that could be around earth wants to do that either. Expecally not with any girl that has a cartoon japenese male user name at any message board.

I don't understand most of this and I don't think I want to. But in any case, Unknown sent me some pics of him, that are of the face only. Being nice, I will believe it's actually him. But who knows what's below his shoulders? He could have five legs, or the lower body of a fish, like a merman; he can have tentacles instead of arms; he can have huge feet like Bigfoot or a thousand more strange stuff like that. There's no way one can tell.
You don't I was just joking with the girl yamato.
But I'm sure you'd like it if I did have things like tenticals or more arms. Wouldn't you?
Well, at least I could have sold you to some experimentation labs. I'm sure they would have paid hard cash for sth like that.
I'm sure you wouldn't if you figured out the good parts about that kind of body.
Well, there's one kind it could be good: the three legs type. But I wonder if you have it...;P
I think I do have three legs. But I have bad balence so I can't walk on the middle one but it does help in other ways. I'm sure you'd like it.