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Digimon porn games and stuff
Since I've started coming to digimon porn forums, I've seen no less than 3 game projects start and fizzle.

Recently, Scystorm posted an actual (or rather the beginning of) interactive lemon. It was produced using TADS, text-based devellopment environment.

Considering there are generall morewriters than artists/programmers,maybe it'd be simpler to devellop something complex with that?
The thing is this: when a good idea comes around, LOTS of people are interested in participating until the time comes to get it off the ground.

That's when it flounders considerably and things go no further.
The fact is that programming a graphic game is a serious big f*cking hassle. There was a 3-D project around, talk about delusions of grandeur!

My point is mostly that text-based form could be a better way to initiate such a thing, if only because they most certainly are overall easier to complete.
Well that is the real problem. Finding the people who have the skills and can actually accomplish the ideas.
A text-based program wouldn't be a real hassle at all! Choose a language, learn how to perform terminal I/O with it and off you go!
I have been learning Flash but am in no way ready to do anything big, I can write sort of, my style is pretty flexible, I would be happy to do something like that

I can supply you with all the pics you need for some stand stills or even a few gifts, consent of Artist's? I'm Epsilon after all, asking is not my strong suit, some artists here can give their consent though I do not have much work from this place, another problem is that most of it is Rena, some Gato, and the uncommon Leomon

so if you do let me help you I could write decently and I can always come up with some great ideas off the top of my head, I might be able to learn how to do those text based games, give me a few days and I will let you know ^ ^

side note: I love your avay Circeus! excellent work!
I personally don't want to get involvedin such a project. It's just an observation I'm throwing away about it. :?

As to the avatar, you might want to look at the entire set (it's just below the screen under 1024x800, and I know it's awful under IE).
i'm beginning to write lemons, i'm trying to learn spanish followed by japanese, tryin to become a yiffy artist (learn photoshop and maya) all while taking a computing course at college :P

maybe i should look into this sort of thing? :?
There does seem to be a lack or games for digi-furs, or any kind of moving art-stuff whatsoever. But I think that when someone does get a group of people together and they do make one, it'll get whooped up and it'll become huge. It's just a case of waiting IMO.

As for me, well I'm taking a graphics, IT and maths course right now, but I've never really had a chance to try anything as advanced as that, mainly because I'm broke :?, but in the future, who knows?

For now, I make do with the 'The Digimon Show' movies on DHZ by Gabumonbubu (not advertising lol), they're great for now.