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A new 02 story-Dark Tides(Cody/Biyomon)
Author's Note-This is a new series I have begun that will explore more of Ken's past as well as bring back an old foe. I hope you like it, as I haven't written much 02 stuff in the past and I feel this came out much better than I expected for a first chapter.

Disclaimer-This is an adult story, meant for an audience that is 18 years or older. Digimon is copyright of Toei Animation.

After the end of Digimon 02, the Digidestined along with the efforts of all the Digimon in Digiworld finally managed to defeat Myotismon. But one villian still remained but forgotten...Daemon, who had been exiled to the Dark Ocean. Ken, the sixth main Digidestined, thought he was done with the Dark Ocean...after all, he had reconciled with himself and found his heart.
Daemon was out to prove that child bringing him back to the place of his nightmares:The Dark Ocean.

Renafan presents...
"Dark Tides"

Chapter 1-A Bubble Popped

I sat here...thinking to myself all this the Digimon Emperor me or just my older brother reborn? I never really thought about it really...I was too busy enslaving the Digital World to care about anything else. The air around here is stale, and just plain cold. It's so cold, it goes right into the marrow of my bones. It's my least favorite place...the Dark Ocean. No matter how many times I escaped, it would always pull me back in...sooner or later at times.

So here I am...again. We just defeated Myotismon. I thought we were done with all the senseless fighting, all the goddamn pain! I hate it, I hate this place, I hate Wormmon, I hate my parents...I HATE!! Falling to the blackened sand, tears roll down my eyes as I try to contemplate how the hell I got here. Are my crimes so unforgivable that I have to spend my eternity here in this dark world without anyone else but myself?

I have to remember...

Yeah, was a few hours ago. I was sitting at my computer, and Wormmon was pestering me about dinner while I getting a high score in Resident Evil 4. I told him to go ahead, and that I would be there in a matter of seconds. He nodded and ran off, knowing I liked my games. Then a little popup window interrupted my game and told me I had mail. Knowing that fate was against me, I shifted my mouse and clicked on the popup window...


Remember this?

"Remember what?"I mused, clicking on the attachment.

I felt my D-3 reacting to the attachment when I clicked on it (getting an error in the process), and held it up to the screen...realizing then when the dark swirls forming in my screen had led me into a trap. A dark trap that was unescapable.
Falling for what seemed days, I finally landed on soft, dark sand and shook my head trying to regain some composure until I realized where I had landed.

"N-No!"I got up, sand falling off my pants."This place, it can't be!"

It was...the Dark Ocean. This was the place where we had exiled Daemon to, where he had to be sent so that balance within the Digital World could remain stable. Grasping my chest with both arms, I shivered...I hated this place, hated the very fact that I was in it. Why was I here?

"Nice to know I have company."The black winged, horned and masked demon appeared before me."You were such an easy target easy to manipulate."

"B-Big words, from someone who's not even a threat to..ahhh."I cringed in pain, my lungs were restricting."Ahhus."

"Now, you're here for the little gift I sent you am I correct?"Daemon inquired, rubbing his masked chin.

The little gift? So the "Remember this?" wasn't the trip to the Dark Ocean he just sent me on? What was this masked moron up to anyway? Then he held it up. Something he shouldn't even have.

"Ah, you two loved blowing bubbles together didn't you?"Daemon held up the tiny little bubble stick."Your brother's."

"Give it to me, you sick and twisted piece of trash!"I stood up, filled with bent up rage against him.

"I'd be careful if I were you...the laws of the Dark Ocean are not the laws of Earth or the Digital World for that matter. You're on my playing field now...and if you take this bubble stick, what do you think will happen?"Daemon taunted me."I can make it so you help me escape this wretched place and then go on to the Digital Plane, just by simply grabbing this beloved bubble stick...the one your brother gave to you as he was dying at my hands."

"My brother died in an accident!"I shouted, the cold increasing around me and making it hard for me to even speak to him clearly."Ehheh...he never even met you!"

"On the contrary, I was his partner."Daemon spread his wings, to boost his already higher ego."As you can barely remember, you and him went into the Digital World on occasion...well, he went more times than you know. He planted the seeds for what would make you into the pitiful Digimon Emperor."

"N-No...I refuse to believe that!"I screamed, tears pouring down my numb face."My brother would never do something like that!"

"Sam is no angel."Daemon landed on the ground before me, and bent down on his knees."The Dark Digivice you made was originally meant to be Sam's. He had what it took to be the Digimon Emperor...but you, as a Digidestined with the Crest Of Kindness, would be hard to mold. That partner of yours, Wormmon, turned you back...helped you find your miserable kindness. That, fortunately, was an oversight on my part I mean to go ahead, take my the bubble stick in my hand Ken."

"N-Noo..."I whispered, feeling like I wanted to die."I don't wanna become him again."

"What are you talking about Ken? You ARE and always will be my puppet."Daemon smiled under his mask."Now, take it."

Holding out his hand, and knowing that if that bubble stick stayed in his hands any longer he would most surely crush it. Swallowing any pride I had left, I grabbed the bubble stick and brought it up to my scope of vision. I realized the folly of my was a stupid piece of plastic, just a stick that I looked at everyday after my stupid brother Sam had to go and die on me!


I snapped that stupid stick in two and threw it the sand, looking at Daemon in a new light. His light. He was right...I was his puppet. I would play the role of villian, and bring chaos and destruction to this land as the Digimon Emperor again. But this time, I would not be the only emperor. He would help REAL partner. A partner the Digidestined would not be to defeat in any century, a partner that was beyond their scope of vision.

"Daemon, let's conquer this pathetic world together."I grinned, donning my old Emperor clothes in a snap.

"Very well, if that is what you truely want."Daemon chuckled, having finally broken me.

A small speck of kind Ken was within me still, but I didn't care about it. I was tired of caring about anything...screw my parents, screw that whiny Davis and his little band. He sucked at soccer anyway. I think it was time to show these trewps who has the ball now.

Back at Ken's home, the house was empty save for the obnoxiously loud open mouth eating of Davis and Veemon as they chowed down on pizza while waiting for Ken to come to the dinner table. Wormmon, easily annoyed at bad table manners, jumped up on the table and narrow his gaze at the chomping trio. Davis and Veemon looked at the Digimon, wondering what the hell his problem was.

"Hey, can't you see we're trying to eat cheese and pepperoni here?"Davis went back to snarfing down his pizza.

"Can't you leave some for Ken and I?"Wormmon inquired."After all, we did buy the pizza."

"We can always order more."Veemon said without so much as a glance at him.

"But neither of you have any money."Wormmon grunted, crossing all his little crawlers together."And besides, the movie starts in an hour! What if Ken gets hungry and it'll be your faults that he goes that way throughout the entire 3 hours of the film!"

"Chill dude!"Davis waved his hands at the green little nightcrawler, making one big grin."I'm sure Ken won't mind, right Vee?"

"Uh...sure, whatever you said Davis!"Veemon glanced over to Davis, unaware of what he said.

"Did you even hear me?!"Davis rolled his eyes, hitting his forehead."I swear, you act too much like me sometimes dude."

"I thought you said that was a good thing Davis!"Veemon smacked, a few crumbs of pizza bread flew on the table.

"The world doesn't need two of is PLENTY for my beloved Kari."Davis rubbed his nose.

"I'm sure it is."

"Oh, you want cheese or pepperoni?"Wormmon was relieved to see his partner."I told them to leave you two slices, but they ate most of it..."

Ken glared at the lot of them. Look at them...they were obviously beneath his attention but Daemon told him to try and convince him of his vision. He must be extra careful as to not give it away so fast...even though the thought of working with Davis appaled him. He was disgusting, and was equally idiotic in the head. His partner was the same nonetheless even though he acknowledged his power.

Wormmon thought, looking into Ken's face.

"Veemon ate the majority of the pizza!"Davis pointed a finger at his partner, obviously not aware of Ken's transformation.

"Say, Davis..."Ken smiled, sitting down to the table."Would you like to partake of a friendly match of arm-wrestling? It will determine who buys the tickets..."

"Sure, I'm always up for a one on one competition with the guy with all the brains."Davis grinned, pushing up his long-shirt sleeves.

"But Ken, aren't you the only one with money tonight?"Wormmon inquired, trying to get a good look at Ken's face.

Turning around with a look the little insect only saw when Ken was the Digimon Emperor, Wormmon was taken aback by Ken's sudden burst of anger at him. This definitely wasn't kind Ken anymore. The boy he knew was gone, replaced by a fake. Wormmon, devastated inside kept his calm. He wanted to see how this played out, but there was something suspcious about the way this new Ken was going about his plan...whatever it was. Ken never liked arm wrestling...why was he doing it now? Unless...

"Later Worm...mon."Ken snarled, putting his elbow on the table."Go ahead Davis, and take my hand."

"Hey dude, you don't have to speak to Wormmon like that."Davis crossed his arms, looking at him.

"Davis...something's not right here."Veemon tugged on his shirt.

"What? Ken's sudden interest in arm-wrestling?"Davis looked at him.

"JUST take my hand already."Ken demanded, holding it open."C'mon Davis, it's me."

"No, it's not dude!"Davis got up, standing up."Who are you and what have you done with my meal ticket?!"

"Davis, I don't think that's a good way to describe Ken..."Veemon tugged on his shirt again.

"Oh, sorry."Davis smiled.

"Fine."Ken stood up, slamming both his hands down on the table and knocking off the dishes."You make me sick anyway!"

"I swear all you villians are the same, always giving yourselves away at the most inopportune moments."Davis clenched his fists."All right, whoever you are, reveal yourself!"

"Afraid there's nothing to reveal here buddy."Ken smiled, clenching his fists as an aura of red demonic energy flowed around them."There's nothing left but a little speck of that weakling inside me."

Wormmon could feel it, the lash of darkness against his soft green skin like the harsh cold wind of the arctic. Ken was oozing it out of his pores, and the others could feel it as well. Perhaps Davis wasn't as dumb as he looked after all. In any event, it was time to try and prevent whatever Ken was putting together. Davis took out his digivice, but Ken snickered holding out his hand and make it fly right into the palm of his own hand.

"Hey!"Davis whined, reaching out."Hands off."

"Oops...was this yours?"Ken grinned, crushing the digivice within his fist into pieces.

Davis' eyes went wide with fear as he saw the one that thing that meant all the world to him...the symbol of he and Veemon's friendship...his digivice, was reduced to a million pieces with the power of one demonic fist. The new leader of the Digidestined fell to his knees, tears coming to his eyes...

"H-How could you?..."Davis couldn't contain himself, beginning to panic.

"Take my hand...and all will be forgiven."Ken smiled."I have the power to repair that which I just as easily crushed."

"NO!"Worm and Veemon jumped in the way."You will not take him away from us!"

"You fools. The Lord needs Davis for his own purposes."Ken foamed at the mouth, forming fists again."Now get out of the way...especially you, worthless piece of vermin."

"That's the Emperor talking, not you Ken."Wormmon glared."What did I tell you a long time ago about doing this sort of thing?"

"I MADE MY DECISION!"Ken screamed at the little maggot."I have a partner, someone who's not nearly as useless as yourself!"

"K-Ken, you don't mean that!"Veemon looked at him with shock."Tell me you don't mean it!"

"You're next, blue one."Ken glared, holding out his hand and powering it up.

Davis, sniffing and looking at the remains of his digivice on the ground opened his eyes and looked up at the shadow of the person Ken truely was. He wasn't going to take this anymore and certainly not from one whom he no longer considered a true friend at all.

"Veemon...kick his ass."Davis said.

"You got it."Veemon whispered back, looking at Ken with a smile of new resolve."I feel your strength in me Ken...the strength you and Davis gave me together when we first DNA digivolved. Now, you won't mind if I use that back!"

"No thanks."Ken said, firing a red beam of hard demon energy at Veemon who nimbly dodged and got out of the way.

Wormmon was quick to action and released his "Sticky Net!" at Ken's face, getting silk web on his former friend's face and making him struggle to get it off. Ken hadn't quite expected this treatment...and not the hit to his belly as Veemon headbutted him to the ground making him kiss woodfloor in the kitchen, causing a newly arrived Cody and Biyomon to drop their groceries.

"W-What is going on here?!"Cody looked at Ken, who snarled and groaned in pain looking at the two of them.

"G-Good, your digivice is next!"Ken smiled, reaching out with his right hand for the device on his belt.

"NO!"Biyomon jumped on Cody and pushed him out of the way, landing on the floor.

" little pink nuisance!"Ken struggled to get up, levitating himself up to his feet."You'll pay for your...AAAAH!"

Another Vee-Headbutt sent Ken into the refrigerator causing him to fall to the ground. Snarling, Veemon punched Ken's face another few times knocking a tooth out along with some blood. Just as he was about to punch him again, Ken grabbed Veemon by the face and picked him up beginning to tighten his grip. Davis ran into the kitchen but was repelled by Ken's demonic force fields falling to the ground.

"T-Thanks..."Cody blushed at Biyomon, who was still on the floor.

"Just stay out of sight for a minute, I'll take of this okay?"Biyomon winked at him.

"Okay."Cody smiled at her.

Biyomon, out of Ken's gaze, flew up into the air silently behind Veemon just realizing she couldn't shoot without hitting Veemon in the back. Veemon, struggled to take Ken's hands off his face, was crying out in pain as the Digidestiend poured red demonic energy into his body. The pink bird felt her feathers bristle up, as waves of dark power poured from Ken's body against her own. She could feel it, someone really corrupted Ken's mind and broke him mind and body...but that didn't change the fact he was killing Veemon. She didn't want to hurt anybody but Cody was still in the line of fire...

"(Forgive me Sora.)"

Flapping her wings, Biyomon let out a loud "Spiral Twister!" attack sending a green spiral of energy at Veemon's back, sending Ken into the refrigarator and knocking Veemon out of his grasp letting the Digimon flip onto the counter, burn marks all over his face. Veemon huffed and puffed, and looked over at Biyomon with a wink of thanks and then quickly down at Ken who rubbed his head in pain, knowing when he was beaten but was a VERY sore loser.

Holding up his hands to fire at Veemon once more, Veemon bared his sharp teeth and jumped down on Ken's legs and punched him unconscious, falling to the ground and defeated at last. Veemon grasped his left arm, pain coursing through it from the electricity Ken had sent through him. He spit on the ground near Ken, disgusted with his behavior. Someone obviously wanted them dead and's just a matter of who.

"Y-You fools."Ken's eyes opened forcefully, his body shaking violently.

"Don't you ever stay down?!"Veemon sighed, jumping at Ken again.

"OUT OF THE WAY!"Ken fired a beam of energy at Vee's chest, sending him across the kitchen counter and into Davis' arms.

"You okay?!"Davis asked.

"What's it look like?"Veemon coughed, sighing."I-I'm outta's up to Biyomon now."

"Y-You were a pleasant distraction, but I must go."Ken snarled, running for his room quickly.

Cody, determined not to let the guy get away, ran after him and grabbed his leg causing Ken to collasp to the floor and hit his chin on the floor. Screaming in fustration, Ken reacted with a forceful outlash of energy blasting Cody and sending him flying and screaming until he felt the strong wings of Biyomon's wings catch him and land on the sofa in the living room. Cody blushed again, thanking Biyomon for the second time. Biyomon blushed herself, telling him it was nothing. Davis took up Cody's effort, running for Ken's room kicking open the door as he stood shock still at what he saw.

"Very good work Kenny boy."Sam said to him from the computer."Come back to the command ship."

"As you wish, brother."Ken smiled, dressed in his Digimon Emperor garb."You see, Davis? Now that my brother is back, me and him and my leader...Daemon...will rule the Digital World."

"You wish! We'll stop you before that even happens!"Davis scoffed, clenching his fists.

"Heh...l-like I'm really interested in this."Ken smiled."N-No."

"What?"Davis formed a confused look."Make up your mind dude."

Ken grabbed his head, bruised and bloody as he was from Veemon's assault. Apparently, all that punching had some affect on him. Veemon walked in behind Davis, and pushed his way in.

"Fight him Ken!"Veemon shouted."You know your brother's dead, and Daemon's playing with your mind."

"NO, you sick and twisted pitiful excuses for vermin!"Ken choked, grabbing his head."Heheh...I know what you're trying to do, you're trying to play with me! Well, it's NOT going to work! NOT!"

"Come back Ken."Sam ordered.

"Yes Sam...I'm coming back, coming back home."Ken held up his dark digivice, sucking himself into the computer.

"WAIT!"Davis jumped at where his body was meeting the carpet instead."Oof! Uhhh...great, he got away."

"Oh Ken...what have you gotten yourself into this time? I thought you were done fighting your demons."Wormmon crawled in, looking at the computer."I know you're still in there...stay strong."

"Davis...where's Ken?!"Cody demanded to know.

"He's gone Cody. Gone."Davis slammed his fist into the ground."That bastard got him...damn brother of his."

"No need to get down about it Davis. Ken will come around and you know it."Cody reached out his hand.

"No thanks...I'll get myself up tonight."Davis stood up, dusting himself off."No offense Cody, but I have this thing for taking other people's hands."

"huh?"Cody looked at him, stratching his head as Davis walked out the door.

"Call up's gonna be a long night."Davis said.

"Got it."Cody picked himself up, as Wormmon came up to him and looked at him sadly.

Cody looked down at the poor little guy and picked him up in his arms, looking like he could use a friend at the moment. Wormmon buried his head in Cody's shoulder, crying his little bug eyes out. Cody rubbed his soft and slimy little head, telling him it would be all right. At least, he hoped it would be. The person they just struggled to knock unconscious didn't seem like the post-Digimon Emperor Ken to Cody, he seemed like he reverted back to who he was before without a second thought.

Back in the Digital World, Ken appeared back before what he was expecting to be his brother Sam but instead met his master, Daemon. Ken stuttered, falling to the ground in absolute terror knowing the extent of his lord and master's powers and what they could do to a mere servant like him.

"Why did you run like a coward boy?!"Daemon struck him with the slap of a hand."If you want your brother to live, you will do as I say and be strong like the Emperor you were meant to be. I didn't rebuild your headquarters and amassed a new army of ultimate level Digimon only to be defeated because my most trusted lackey couldn't get his act together!"

"I-I am sorry, I'll get my act together..."Ken's costume came apart in digital bits, bowing and shivering with complete fear of Daemon's wrath.

"You better, or consider yourself no longer worthy of my notice...Kenny boy."Daemon said in Sam's voice.

"W-Why you..."Ken came back to his senses for a second, until he snapped back.

"What was that?!"Daemon turned around, looking intently down upon Ken.

"N-Nothing, lord. It was absolutely worth nothing. Just my kind part trying to resurface."Ken kept his head down.

"Keep it in check."Daemon snuffed, disappearing."We begin the attack in five minutes."

"That's right my former self...we're gonna tear this world apart, starting with Primary Village."

Back in the real world, Cody and Biyomon walked out of everyone's sight into the spare guest bathroom, the boy immediately undressing and throwing his clothes to the side in a hurry. There would only be a little time to do this, but Cody and Biyomon would make it seem like a long time. Sitting on the toilet watching Cody undress, Biyomon smiled at the little boy and looked at him with genuine love and appreciation...something she didn't feel until a few months ago.

"So, are you sure you're ready for this Cody?"Biyomon asked."And the implications of our relationship as well?"

"I was raised to tell the truth Biyomon, not to lie about our relationship."Cody stood in his underwear before Biyomon."But for you, I'm willing to make that exception and take the risks involved."

"To think this all started with a comment about my tail feathers."Biyomon got off the toilet seat."We were both in the snowy hills of the Digiworld, separated from the others...and we needed to keep warm. A few hours in, we were both shivering our butts off looking for shelter and you looked at me and said you have nice back feathers Biyomon...and fell unconscious from the cold."

"You saved me, and kept me warm with your body heat...I never felt so loved in my life after that. You kept me wrapped in those strong, pink wings of yours. I can't feel anything that's wrong with this Biyomon...should I?"

"No Cody."Biyomon caressed his face with her left wing, feeling the soft textures of his hairless skin."You aren't wrong to feel this way at all. For now though, let's keep it special...special between us."

No more words had to be spoken...the decision was already made, and the boy pulled down his underwear closing his eyes and breathing out in a gust of air. Biyomon walked over to Cody, who stood stock still as Biyomon wrapped her soft and fuzzy wings around him. The boy shook with anticipation, his young penis reacting as her feathers rubbed against it massaging them with their smooth and slick textures. Biyomon nuzzled her beak against Cody's nose, inhaling his scent and open her beak slightly, letting her rather big avian tongue run against Cody's forehead.

Cody didn't realize the size of Biyomon's tongue until now, thinking it was smaller. But the length she ran across his face just now easily covered his nose and a part of his upper lip easily convinced otherwise. This fact only increased the already nervous state his body was in at the moment, beginning to sweat uncontrollably as Biyomon licked his lips with her tongue, pushing it into his mouth. The boy, eyes wide with surprise at this intrusion found himself being explored as Biyomon rubbed opened her beak and gently clapped down on Cody's face as she proceeded to french kiss the child.

Cody, finding himself shaking uncontrollably, forced his arms around Biyomon's body getting waves of warmth sent through his body as he tongued at Biyomon's tongue, and the two could only share what was their own form of a french kiss, in a face to beak fashion. His face coated in fresh saliva, Cody closed his eyes and let the feeling overcome him not letting the tight space of the bathroom get to him. Biyomon pushed Cody against the back wall, as they kissed each other passionately, tongue wrapping around tongue, naked body against sweaty pink feathers. Saliva dripping down his face, Cody moaned in muffled sounds in Biyomon's beak out of unknown pleasure to the people outside the door.

The young Digidestined could feel the object of his desire, Biyomon's dripping virginity, her gaping love canal, against his manhood as Biyomon unclapped her beak gently from his face, proceeding to nuzzle her head against his belly. Cody gasped in ragged breaths, as his belly rippled at Biyomon's smooth tongue lashings. Her tongue continued its assault on his body, dripping saliva all over him. Cody was forced down on his butt, as Biyomon got furious with her tongue bath and washed him down like a dog. Making his way back up to his face, Biyomon lapped at him repeatedly with her tongue caressing him with the smooth, silky surface of it. Feathers were ruffled, and hair flew into the air as sweat poured down the foreheads of both as the tongue bath continued!

A few unnoticed drips of spit fell unto Cody's penis and sent his head up the wall, causing him to hyperventilate almost. Biyomon calmed the boy down, rubbing the surface of her right wing against his belly. Unless something were done, the night would never end Cody thought and that was something he didn't want to happen once again feeling Biyomon's tongue wash against his face. His little prick stood up, hitting Biyomon's feathery belly, moving her gaze downward towards Cody's penis with "evil" intent in mind.

His dreams about to come true, Cody braced himself as Biyomon dropped her head down and held his limp penis in her right wing, and opened her beak running her tongue against the sensitive and rubbery surface of the cock. Cody wanted to yell in pleasure but instead moaned slightly for both their sakes. Tongue caressed sensitive manhood once again, running along the bottom and top of the tip. Waves were sent throughout the body, precum dripping from the little hole at the top of the prick. Very careful avian eyes noted this and Biyo took aim, immediately licking it up. Cody's body shook and trembled, his legs moving left and right in both directions as that tongue wrapped around his prick and squeezed with incredible softness.

Saliva fell to the floor, and Cody's penis immediately stood up red and purple from his little venture into the world of adulthood. He was certainly enjoying it, and Biyomon was going to make sure that he did so. Slowly unwrapping her tongue from Cody's penis, she seductively turned around revealing her needy vagina and anus to her love. The bird purposefully pushed her rump into Cody's face, rubbing against his face letting him take in the scent of sex emitting from her radiant beauty. She certainly did have a beautiful rear Cody, that he wanted everything it had.

Gently pushing Biyo's rear off a bit, Cody extended his tongue outwards and pushed it into her anus, tasting her insides whilst inserting two fingers into her clit prepping himself for the real thing. Biyo sighed, loving the fact that she was finally getting some at last. His tongue was incredible she thought, as it invaded her butthole and explored her. It was tight inside, but incredibly erotic Cody thought. While running his tongue inside Biyomon's hole, Biyomon's vaginal walls clenched on Cody's fingers as he extracted them from inside as he slowly took his tongue out of her butt. Cody looked at his fingers, dripping with that sweet clear nectar that came from his love. He held out his tongue and let a drip from his fingers hit his tongue sending his taste buds on a trip to the wild side.

He retracted his tongue, taking in the taste and immediately proceeded to suck on the two fingers he inserted into her vagina, and opened his eyes again...ready to go for the prize. So was Biyomon, who was already ready for him considering she had past experience with *other* Digimon who had much bigger manhoods than Cody had currently. That wasn't to say that Biyomon wouldn't have as equally a good time with the one she loved. In fact, she expected more out of Cody than her previous dates. Getting on his knees and positioning himself behind the bird, Cody prayed to his ancestors quickly and proceeded to take his virginity pushing into unknown wet territory.

Cody stood still, his entire penis within the soft clenching jello of Biyomon's vaginal cave. All of a sudden, he thought himself unworthy of such love as the joyous insides constantly clenched down on his prick as he (unknowingly to himself) humped back and forth in small pushes keeping his entire prick inside Biyomon's love canal. Biyomon sighed in content, despite the small size. Feeling Cody inside her body was enough for her feeling all this pent up love for the boy. Size didn't matter now...only the fact that were together for that short time did. The universe stopped for a mere moment for Cody, and time stood still...they were one being, enveloped in this sea of jello and embraced forever. It was more than he could have ever hoped for, and with a sigh of content Cody let go spilling his seed into Biyomon. Biyomon felt the hot sperm fill her up, and she smiled inside loving Cody every minute for it as the boy leaned into her and lay himself down on her back.

"oh're the reason why I have hope for humans and Digimon."Biyomon whispered."Someday, perhaps, everyone will share what we just did. But right now, we have to take care of a few loose ends."

Back outside in Ken's room, Izzy was working on his labtop to find out where the heck in the Digiworld Ken had got off to. Davis and Tai were intently watching, as Agumon and Tentomon tended to Veemon's injuries from Ken along with Wormmon.

"I'm sorry guys...but I can't get a signal from his D-3."Izzy said."Even his bio-signature isn't turning up."

"Can't you use something else then?"Tai asked, hands digging into his pockets deep."The Digital World could be in serious trouble right now."

"That's why I'm still working Tai. You have to be patient here. The work of a genius takes time."Izzy continued tapping the keyboard.

Veemon groaned as Agumon wrapped some guaze around his arm. The pain from the blast was great and had burned a good portion of his face, but Veemon had been through worse in his time. He would heal, just like he always had before. Gatomon outside walked into the bathroom (having picked the lock) and closed the door behind her. Cody and Biyomon gasped but Gatomon winked, indicating she wouldn't tell anyone.

"(You eat me out here..)"Gatomon pointed to her anus, and then to her vagina."(And you here Biyo, I won't tell.)"

"Okay, okay...we're still in the mood anyway."Biyomon said.

"I-Is this..."

"Don't even ask."Gatomon put her butt on his lips."Now put that tongue up there."

"mmph!"Cody said in a muffled yes extending it up her bum, tasting her heat.

"Oh Gatomon..."Biyomon sighed."This is hardly the time..."

"I can't help it if I'm a feline with needs...yeah, that's it Cody...right up there..."

Outside, Kari put her ear to the door giggling at what her partner was doing with Cody and Biyomon. She knew what was going on, and while she didn't mind what those two did she knew the others wouldn't approve of it so she kept to herself about it...she was that kind of person. Walking away and leaving the three of them to their games, Kari walked in a very silent room and wondered what was up.

"Guys?..."Kari crossed her arms."What's wrong?"

"Kari...Gennai just called us."Tai said.

"What about?"

"Ken's just devastated Primary Village. There's nothing left but a crater."Tai dropped his head, unable to say anymore.

Hearing Tai's words, Kari's arms dropped. All those baby Digimon...all those innocent...innocent little children.

"N-No.."Kari whispered as her eyes rolled upwards and she felt the world leave her.

Kari dropped to the floor unconscious, hitting it with a loud thud as Tai quickly reached out for her in a panic. Tai took Kari up in his arms, gently shaking her and trying to wake her up but to no avail...she wasn't breathing.


To Be Continued...
[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."
That beginning was really rushed and impossible to follow. If you want to see a returning Daemon done properly, wait until I post the sixth chapter of my new series.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
What do you mean by "too fast and impossible to follow"? Please give a more adequate explanation in your phrasing. It sounds to me like you were just being mean!=O...Meanie ;__;(j/k) Do you think a more extended beginning is needed is what you mean, a more fleshed out transformation for Ken...what?

[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."
Quote:Remember this?

"Remember what?"I mused, clicking on the attachment.

I felt my D-3 reacting to the attachment when I clicked on it (getting an error in the process), and held it up to the screen...realizing then when the dark swirls forming in my screen had led me into a trap. A dark trap that was unescapable.
Falling for what seemed days, I finally landed on soft, dark sand and shook my head trying to regain some composure until I realized where I had landed.

"N-No!"I got up, sand falling off my pants."This place, it can't be!"

It was...the Dark Ocean. This was the place where we had exiled Daemon to, where he had to be sent so that balance within the Digital World could remain stable. Grasping my chest with both arms, I shivered...I hated this place, hated the very fact that I was in it. Why was I here?

"Nice to know I have company."The black winged, horned and masked demon appeared before me."You were such an easy target easy to manipulate."

"B-Big words, from someone who's not even a threat to..ahhh."I cringed in pain, my lungs were restricting."Ahhus."

"Now, you're here for the little gift I sent you am I correct?"Daemon inquired, rubbing his masked chin.

The little gift? So the "Remember this?" wasn't the trip to the Dark Ocean he just sent me on? What was this masked moron up to anyway? Then he held it up. Something he shouldn't even have.

"Ah, you two loved blowing bubbles together didn't you?"Daemon held up the tiny little bubble stick."Your brother's."
I'm talking about this section and everything that immediately follows. You need to identify your speakers every so often and say what it is they're looking at to give them concern. It took too much effort to figure out that this was Ken and Daemon, and I still don't get how they're suddenly in the Dark Ocean.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Wisemon Wrote:If you want to see a returning Daemon done properly, wait until I post the sixth chapter of my new series.
I think the way I'm doing a daemon returning is pretty good (although it's not the same one) Pretty good chapter. So what's up next?
Quote:"Give it to me, you sick and twisted piece of trash!"I stood up, filled with bent up rage against him.

"I'd be careful if I were you...the laws of the Dark Ocean are not the laws of Earth or the Digital World for that matter. You're on my playing field now...and if you take this bubble stick, what do you think will happen?"Daemon taunted me."I can make it so you help me escape this wretched place and then go on to the Digital Plane, just by simply grabbing this beloved bubble stick...the one your brother gave to you as he was dying at my hands."

"My brother died in an accident!"I shouted, the cold increasing around me and making it hard for me to even speak to him clearly."Ehheh...he never even met you!"

"On the contrary, I was his partner."Daemon spread his wings, to boost his already higher ego."As you can barely remember, you and him went into the Digital World on occasion...well, he went more times than you know. He planted the seeds for what would make you into the pitiful Digimon Emperor."

"N-No...I refuse to believe that!"I screamed, tears pouring down my numb face."My brother would never do something like that!"

"Sam is no angel."Daemon landed on the ground before me, and bent down on his knees."The Dark Digivice you made was originally meant to be Sam's. He had what it took to be the Digimon Emperor...but you, as a Digidestined with the Crest Of Kindness, would be hard to mold. That partner of yours, Wormmon, turned you back...helped you find your miserable kindness. That, fortunately, was an oversight on my part I mean to go ahead, take my the bubble stick in my hand Ken."

"N-Noo..."I whispered, feeling like I wanted to die."I don't wanna become him again."

"What are you talking about Ken? You ARE and always will be my puppet."Daemon smiled under his mask."Now, take it."

Holding out his hand, and knowing that if that bubble stick stayed in his hands any longer he would most surely crush it. Swallowing any pride I had left, I grabbed the bubble stick and brought it up to my scope of vision. I realized the folly of my was a stupid piece of plastic, just a stick that I looked at everyday after my stupid brother Sam had to go and die on me!


I snapped that stupid stick in two and threw it the sand, looking at Daemon in a new light. His light. He was right...I was his puppet. I would play the role of villian, and bring chaos and destruction to this land as the Digimon Emperor again. But this time, I would not be the only emperor. He would help REAL partner. A partner the Digidestined would not be to defeat in any century, a partner that was beyond their scope of vision.

"Daemon, let's conquer this pathetic world together."I grinned, donning my old Emperor clothes in a snap.

"Very well, if that is what you truely want."Daemon chuckled, having finally broken me.

A small speck of kind Ken was within me still, but I didn't care about it. I was tired of caring about anything...screw my parents, screw that whiny Davis and his little band. He sucked at soccer anyway. I think it was time to show these trewps who has the ball now.

That seems a slight bit rushed by 2-3 paragraphs, and Ken needs to angst for a while more in the beginning to make it really believable. Ken was always really angsty and never quite came to grips with the fact that he has a genuine cruel side, and that makes this a very believable thing with a little more development.
And I wanted to ask you, What's your deal with the ass?