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Ssjgokillo's Request: Livin' La Vida Loca
Warining: This story contains extreme adult situations and should not
be read by anyone who is not mature enough to read it. This lemon was
requested by ssjgokillo. The title of this lemon is from the song of
the same name performed by Ricky Martin.

Request Corner: Livin' La Vida Loca
By Iceflame88

A seventeen years old boy wearing a blue shirt and black jeans was
walking with his Digimon, Gatomon down a beating path. He looked at
the red stop of the map of Pine City. "I think we're lost."
said Navar to Gatomon. "At least it can't any worse." said
Gatomon when it started raining. "You were saying?" said
Navar looking at Gatomon. "Sorry. I think we should go there
untill it stops raining." said Gatomon pointing to a Inn.
"Good idea." said Navar running towards the Inn and then
went inside folllowed by his digimon, Gatomon.

"May I help you?" said the owner of the Inn (A Ice Gatomon)
who was at the check in corner. "Yes, we need a room until it
stops raining outside." said Navar. "That will be five
digi-dollars please." said Ice Gatomon as Navar handed her the
money as she give Navar the keys to the room. "Thank you."
said Gatomon as she followed her tamer to their room.

"Room sixteen." said Navar looking at the pate and then at
the key which have the same number. "This must be the room we're
staying." said Gatomon as Navar opened the door and looked
around. "Wow, this place looks good." said Navar when he
heard a khock on the door.

"I wonder who that could be?" said Gatomon as Navar turns
to the door and opens it to see two teenagers standing there looking
at him. "Hi, we're from next door and wanted to welcome you to
the Inn. My name is Davis and this is my girlfriend Kari." said
Davis shaking Navar's hand.

"My name is Navar and this is my Digimon parther, Gatomon."
said Navar looking at Gatomon with his blue eyes and fixed his hair.
"I also wanted to let you know that me and Kari are having a
human only party at eight so be there and bring a date." said
Davis going back to his room followed by Kari.

Gatomon leaned against the wall as she waited for Navar to come back
in. Just then Navar walked back in with a sad smile on his face.
"What's the matter?" said Gatomon going to her parther.
"The people next door are throwing a human only party tonight
but I don't have a date." said Naver sitting on the bed.

"I can be your date." said Gatomon as she started glowing
and changed to Angewomon. But she was differnt, she wasn't wearing
her helmet and her wings were missing, she was also wering a red
dress with black spots on it. Navar looked at her beautiful green

"You look beautiful." said Navar as Angewomon smiled.
"Thanks, Navar." said Angewomon as she turned around and
looked at herself in the window. Eight hours later at the party,
Navar and Angewomon as they saw alot of people dancing. "This is
what humans do that partys?" said Angewomon to Navar.
"Hola." said a man coming towards them. "Hola."
said Navar to the man.

"Your new around here?" said the man. "Yeah i am, my
name is Navar Elessidel and this is my date, Ver