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International day for AIDS prevention's celebration
If Wiki is your friend, then ACTUALLY KNOWING WHAT AIDS IS is your BEST FRIEND!

AIDS: Don't get it!
th-this is shocking.
I never knew it was like that- I feel so stupid...

I dont want to get AIDS... I'm going to spend less time outside.
No need to stay inside all the time, just don't use intravenous drugs or have unprotected sex.
*takes notes*
no drugs...
no unprotected sex...
got it, thanks.
Also, no cure. That's what makes it dangerous.

Just don't do needle drugs and don't have sex with someone who's got a shady sexual background.
*takes more notes*

Got it! thanks!

hmmm... no cure... I'd better start buying condoms- or avoid sex. i can never be too sure about these things.
I would buy the condoms. The Christian Right can think that people will be abstinent to avoid AIDS, but they're not fooling anyone else.
Religious people are fools. Religion is such a horirbly flawed concept. I have no problem with people who have faith, but people who practice religion unquestionably are nothing short of deranged cultists. They want everything both ways and fly off the handle when they can't have it.

Now, just imagine LIVING with someone like that...yeah...

I have strong opinions on that.
I see.

I still always wonder why I involuntarily pray at night, it doesnt seem logical.
Hey, to have faith in this world is a commendable thing. Society practically villifies people who actually believe in something.

It's when people get all cultish and conversionary that it crosses a line. Religion is the antithesis of logic.