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(sorry for the absence)

*focusses his thoughts on channeling the spirit sealed within the beads*

I invoke the rites of fiery Muspellheim, and give my soul up to the inferno's embrace!

*flames begin to circle around, coalescing into a single point of flame which explodes cataclysmically, revealing the Guardian Force Ifrit*

HA! It's time to finish this foolish interlude!

Ifrit... *Ifrit roars thunderously, flames spewing from his nostrils*

Attack! Hell Fire!

*Ifrit growls and clenches his fists, conjuring up massive flames. He braces himself as he becomes totally englufed in the element, then suddenly fires several blasts of flames from his palms, raking Diabolos with searing heat*


*Ifrit charges up his remaining power and channels it into one final blast of great magnitude*

*The dust from the explosion clears. Ifrit has disappeared back to Hell until he is next summoned.*
OOC: Yeah... senjuro informed me that all these Guardian Force creatures were from Final Fantasy. <(^_^")> Sorry, never played those games.
dark blue has his own account now! it's me, gunter, and im back from the nether world!! woo hoo! dale has returned, thats good! (you didnt mispell it- you made it more powerful! :D but thats not his weakness- though it is effective!)
[shiva performs the diamond dust attack, it mixes with the hell fire and fuses into one powerful attack, fenrir then howls, and shoots a lunar charged particle beam at diablos, it fuses with the diamond dust and hell fire.... KABOOOOM!!!]
Diablos: NOOOOO!!!! THIS CANNOT BEEEEEE- [hits the ground in a smoking mass of black and red] me... betrayed by my fellow GFs...and defeated by mere mortals-
Gunter: -who are you calling mortal!?
Diablos: - I will join you. you are all powerful.
Gunter: (uhm... anyone want diablos for a guardian force? :P )
ME. If there's anyone that loves darkness/gravity based attacks, it'd be me!
Wait, what're we doing again?
*Had dosed off while watching and then suddenly jumps up, as the guard, this weak looking thing comes in*
GAH! Who are you?
Weak-looking-thing: I am Edgar, head of the security here.
Me: Oh, well um...
*Spaces out*
Me: So um, what do you do here?
Edgar: I watch tv, watch the cameras, and watch people in the showers, and -
Me: Showers?!
Edgar: Yes, they're located in the back, just past your friends there. Hey, where'd he go...?
*Runs to towards the showers and meets up with everybody on his way*
Me: SHOWERS! This way! Follow me!
[diablos glares at senjuro]
diablos: as you wish, mortal. [he suddenly charges into senjuro, ramming ifrit's necklace, and merging with it, turning it black and red]
[final fantasy victory tune plays.]
congratulations! you now have 2 GFs in your arsenal!!!
Yahho watashi wa kataze!
Veemon's Followers
OOC: Since we were getting a little FF all over the place, I thought I'd quote Final Fantasy A+, a really good flash animation on Newgrounds. It's #1 at the moment. Anyway, "Yahho watashi wa kattaze!" means "Yahoo, I win!" and goes to the tune of the little victory fanfare that's been part of the Final Fantasy series for quite a long time.

IC: So we've gotten ye flask AND beaten a boss. What happens to us next?