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Yoshi Perversity of the Animated kind
Theirs seriously not enough traffic round ere but i dont wanna get yelled at when ppl see this one ;3

This is the unholy combonation of this dogguys Sketch book pic and FLASH ANIMATION!!!!

heres the picture i did for Winter T Wolf at this years AC
yeah not my best work by far, BUT that aside it was plenty wierd ne?

heres what happened when Winter showed it to his friend Ravenworks

a gorgeous dedication to sleep deprivation!
enjoy ;3
*applauds* very nice! the world needs more yoshi pr0n, screw world peace, give me yoshi pr0n!
Hehe yesh, good stuff. But now the question is will this be in my dreams or nightmares? o.0;;;
Yay, that's some good stuff... I used to animate, made some stuff posted it on a flash site, and now I don't anymore... Needless to say it was yaoi..