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Its nice to know they tell you they're bullshitting you.

Its not a damn PC. You cant apply upgrades then market it as new....then again thats the entire basis of the Mega Man franchise.
yes but still for those who'd like a netnavi this is something plus it will have more bosses in sprite form so I can edit more gifs when it comes out
whats all the hub-ub... bub?
I guess constantly being sold peripherals that are required to play a new game is kinda annoying. That the up-bubba.
No the hub-bub is Battle network 4.5.

Its like saying "oh sorry,we ment to add this,and this oh and we want to try this." so rather then just wait till the next mega man rehash they add it to one thats already been released and just say"Yeah sorry but if you want to enjoy this you'll have to buy it again."

Dont get me wrong. I'm not one of thouse people who whine that you needed 4 GBA's to play FF:CC or Zelda.Personaly thats your friends falt if he doesnt have a link cable or gba.The point i'm getting at its like Selling Everquest then require users to buy a new copy every time they make an update,rather then just download it for free.
so you just hate stuff like version games and all the peripherals they put out right but this battle chip gate won't come to the us probally and you don't really need it to play it just makes it more anime like
UnknownH Wrote:so you just hate stuff like version games and all the peripherals they put out right but this battle chip gate won't come to the us probally and you don't really need it to play it just makes it more anime like

No.I love add ons,I own the HDD for PS2,the E-reader,I'd buy that damn dvd remote for x-box if I didnt already own the best damn dvd player in the world.

My point is I hate when companys add updates to games then offering no way to gain these updates unless you buy it again.

Say you bought Mega man battle network 4.How would you feel when capcom says"Hey we are re-releaseing this game only this time we are adding things that will make it better!".Not only do you have to dish out another $30 BUT you have to start over again.Now I know noone is twisting your arm to buy it. But hey,Thats the whole point to a sequal. To improve uppon the old one....Hmm now I'm getting flash back of metroid:Zero misstion.
I might but this might be the only one I get (I'd like a netnavi or a medabot but that's the only reason why I might get them) but my nephew would probally get it but he's only about 7 so you know