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Well look who showed his ugly face!
Heya fellas. How goes it?

I'd be more than happy to tell you guys whats up,where ive been ect. Granted you arnt pissed at me for droping out of site for *counts* a year and 6 months. lol
Hi! I'm new! :D
Do tell! Tell us all about the various adventures you embarked upon, the pirates you did battle with, the covert operations, and the romantic Hollywood ending!
*offers anus a pill for his mad hallucinations*
Here, you need it...
Anus Individual 20 Wrote:Do tell! Tell us all about the various adventures you embarked upon, the pirates you did battle with, the covert operations, and the romantic Hollywood ending!

Funny you should say! Part One:The Pirates

Where to start...well the year is a blur so I'll skip it. on Jan 16th I moved out to vegas.I went to live with my best friend of 11 years.About a week into saying there he got me a job at pizza hut.He happens to be a shift manager.Haveing my first job,it sucked. it sucked big ass.Day in and day out I had to deal with dumbass customers and just dumbasses who tryed to score free pizza.
I made about $300 every two weeks and rent was $150 every month.So when I wasnt paying rent I spent my check at the greatest gamming store in the US....Gamestop! Then about my 2nd or 3rd month into working my boss cut my hours.I found it funny is she worked me the week rent was due but only had me working part time the rest of the month.Now as Randel from clerks once said "I'd love this job if it wasn't for the fucking customers." how true it was. My co-workers saw I was a better person when I didnt have to answer phones.I was basicly the clean and counter monkey. I cleaned or I worked counter not hard right? Wrong. when you have 3 bosses and you live with one it adds stress,Plus you add stress from your girlfriend who complains they you dont talk to her as much as you used to,PLUS the stress of liveing with 2 other people with there drama PLUS the stress of trying to ignore the drama at work and well. Your mental saneity is between 2 to 0.I had nights where i wanted to kill myself. hell I wanted to check into a depresstion center. Most of all I wanted to go home. But i couldnt I was bent on proveing to my family and myself that I could handle life on my own.Well about the 4th month into it I just broke down. I couldnt handle all the stress,I couldnt talk to anyone. the only answer my mom gave me was "come home then" My friend said a number of things like some bullshit about work, or if I cant take it just leave then get all depressed.
Well just when it got to the point of me snapping and takeing it out on a customer or co-worker.I do my weekly call to home and see how things are going.My mom hurt herself and she needed help. my 3 sisters werre useless,one was in jail,the other was busy with the kids and the other is a drunk who isnt relible. She said she'd buy my ticket. but i'd have to pay for everything else(replace stuff,entertament,food). So i tell my boss I'll be takeing a temp leave. I planed on comming back after my mom got better,plus I felt this would get rid of some of the major stress I was haveing.Well Later that day I had work,but i found out that they planned to fire me as soon as I left.Well ok...I was going to leave after the work week is up, but why help a bunch of jackasses who are just going to fire me behind my back? so I didnt go in. My friend calls "Where are you? your late." "I quit,I'll save you the paper work in fireing me." I hang up and he calls me to the store to talk. we talk get everything out of the way.but he ignored me till I left.We dont talk as much as we used to.

Moral of the story kids. Dont live with your boss,Dont live with your co-worker,dont live with your best friend.

Now let my fingers rest from such a long story and I'll type up part 2:the wacky adventures I had. I'll tell you about my 7 hour quest to get my state ID so i could board the plane.
Part 2:the crazy adventures.

Where to start....Well I start with the State ID seeing how it was the best adventure I had in Vegas.
Well I had been liveing in vegas for 6 months.All I had was a health card as photo ID. I ment to get a state ID back in month one,I just never had time.and seeing how I was leaveing the state the next day and couldnt get on the plane without a gov issued ID I though "HEY perfect time to get one!" seeing how My wallet was stolen all I had nothing.I found out I cant get an state ID without a SS card. so me and my new friend steve goto the SS office.We got there at 6:30AM to find out that it doesnt open till 8:45am.Granted it was good cuzz a big lined piled up behind us. saved us alot of waiting time.So I get up there"I'm sorry I cant let you use this health card.Goto the IRS office and get your tax report we can use that." well seeing how I got my job just as tax season was in closeing,I had no tax fourms.I asked her if i could use my pay check stub. she said they could but she'd have to run a check by her boss. I told her about my hurt mother and how I need to get out of the state to help her and my wallet was stolen.She took pity and just took the stub and gave me my SS info and said I'd get my card in 2 weeks. Till then I could use the paper she gave me.
Next it was off to the DMV,when we got there there wasnt a line. oh by lucky me. I get up there say I want a state ID. I gave her the info she needed but said the papers the SS chick gave me wernt good.Once again I told my sob story. she said "Ok just fax us anything goverment issued with you SS on it" so I go back to the APT and call my mom. she faxed them some things, and we waited about 30 mins.the guy who is head of that dmv said it wasnt going to work. but seeing how I was leaveing tomarrow he was willing to over look it.So i got everything at 1:30.Soon after me and steve had some of the "six doller burger." granted they fucked up my order and gave me the lo carb one. aka NO BUN!then we went to gamestop where I picked up Wario ware and metroid 2.

Lets see...Another adventure I had was Metal gear solid for gamecube. I went to gamestop to buy it. I get to the apt. it wont load.I called konami. no defects. I called nintendo. they told me to call konami. I come to find out my gamecube wont load Konami games.So I had to buy a new gamecube.

There was the time we crused wal-mart in the fat people carts at 3am...but nothing really amazeing happened. just a crazy 2 hour adventure.

there was the time we went to the strip just to goto gameworks,(sega's arcade) the best arcade EVER.

I cant really think of anything else right now. Soon the final act.
Part 3:Romance. I'll talk about the steamy week my girlfriend came to vist.
Good, good, save the best for last. The depressing pirate fighting needs an uplifting counter-emoter. (Don't know if that's even a word, but it sounds right.)
Part 3:romance

So easter was uppon us. seeing how its my girlfriends fav hoilday I planed on flying up to vist her.Well seem how she still lives with her parents. they said no,a few reasons is the fact that her boyfriend is in the house and that they didnt like me.Well it turns out my pay check after rent was $50. so I wasnt going anywhere. I bought RE:online,cuzz well I wasnt going anywhere.So we talk over the phone and as we are talking "Hey I just bought a ticket and booked a hotel room. I'll be out there on wed"
Great,without warning or money shes comming out.So I start looking to barrow some cash. null. so I end up pawning my gamecube and my games. something I would NEVER EVER do. I'd rather sell my body parts before I ever pawn a video game system.So steve gets me to the airport. we get her bags and we goto the hotel.we check in,as we are waiting a war vet is sitting there talking about how in korea he never had to wait and kids dont know how easy they have it.
So we get in the room.and we lay on the bed and just cuddle and watch tv. about the time we deside to leave....BAM sex! you'd be amazed how sex feels when you havent had it in a year. so we walk and we explor strip. we went into the star dust and had the buffet. I eneded up haveing a root beer after eating ice cream. I got hella we go back to the hotel and end up passing out.I wake up to her nudgeing me. s we fool around abit...more sex. she takes a shower,then I do and we explore the strip some more.we dont get far when this elvis impersonater is doing elvis songs. he ends up breaking his mic so we get a pic with him. then go down more. I dont remember much after that. but we went back to the hotel.Fooled around more,he fell asleep naked. so next morning we get woken up by the maid knocking on the door. I run to the door before she comes in. Tell her to come back in an hour.more sex then we live. we visted cesurz palace, and spend most of the day there. go back to the hotel.Next morning she wakes me up. she just got out the shower,well you just dont wake up a man naked with morning wood. so you guessed but she made some comment about how I cant handle sex in the morning any more so we do it again.I swear to godI never felt like that before and I dont want to ever again. I thought i was going to die.
Its funny you think you have the sexual stamina of a 15 year old when you dont.To make matters worse the maid came aknocking again. so I ran over threw on a shirt and stood behind the door with no pants like "come back in 30 min." Shes just sitting covered up laughing at me.After that we left and we bought tickets to viva las vegas. went and saw it. its a damn good show. if you vist vegas go check it out.after that we walked all the way to the other end of the strip to goto gameworks.we get there to see its littered with kids and parents who arnt takeing care of them.We stay till close. and we walk ALLL the way back to the hotel. it was about 3am when we got back.She passed out as soon as we got back.I watched an interesting documentry on USA. it was called "Highlander" who knew the events took place in real time?
Anyway,we wake up but this time no sex. we go down stairs and get tickets to the best damn show in vegas. Penn & Teller!!! we basicly wasted the day at the M&M store. its crazy. its a store thats 4 floods of nothing but M&M crap.its right next to the coke store, but its only 2 floors.We trying to find this bus that'll take us to the rio cuzz Rio is outside of the strip.Everything out of the strip is gang land...hell all of vegas is ghetto unless your inside of the strip.we get there to find out the bus is broken but a new one is comming. they load us on,but seeing how these two brittish chicks were behind us and there family was in font of us. they wanted to cut. we said no. we have to get there by 9 and its already 8:45,we cant wait for the next bus.Well they were totaly fucking rude. I had no idea brittish people talk so much shit outloud for you to hear,then pretend like they didnt say anything.
Anyway. we got there on time and the show was great.we got to meet Penn and Teller after the show. Teller was hella nice and Penn said I was "boss" for getting my girlfriend hooked on there show "bullshit." we stuck around the rio. took the bus back to the strip and went to paris paris.She bought a large margarita glass. seeing how it was midnight we took a cab.It took the last of my cash.
The next morning was our last day. we basicly saw all the free shows then took a trolly back to the hotel. no good sex witch I regret but she gave me a "parting gift." Twisted

All in all it was great getting away from work and it was the best time I had with her. but soon after of getting back to normal life I sank back into that depressed state.

that basicly sums up what I did in the past 6 months. as for the year pffft. I cant remember a damn thing. lol

Nec's moral's to live by:
look at part ones moral
Gamecube hates konami games and be sure when ou move to a new state get an ID before you walet gets stolen
Love your woman,respect her you wont know where your relationship may lead to next

Most improtant of all
Know when to say your sorry
damn that last part made me jealous hey welcome back you going to stay some now
Yes.Ive had the net back for a month now but yesterday and I was trying to find an old site and it got me hungry for my hentai roots.So I wanted to come back hopeing noone was pissed.