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We need new topics on this board
I swear, for the past 2 weeks every time I open this board up, the same 5 threads are sitting on the top. It's not like no one is using the board, because these threads are constantly being updated with new posts. It's just that no one is starting new threads. C'mon people!
yeah well some people who would have a lot of topics have stopped doing it (it was kinda spaming) but think up a new topic then and post it if you want new topics I'm sure you have a good idea for a topic
Yeah, I know. If I want hot new topics then I need to start them myself. But I've been struggling to come up with anything relevent to say here lately. I'll try harder.
Well...I've been thinking about starting a digimon RPG. I think I'll make a new topic of that.

Oh yeah...and you're right. The same old topics do get boring after a while, especially when you don't have any interest in some of them. ^^;