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Holy Digimon Batman! Using Digimon for crime fighting?
One thing I learned about doing shows for kids is. Children want to see kids get into trouble on their own. And to get out of trouble on their own._______A girls show like Red Hood Cha Cha has preteens fighting and destroying a demon that has turned Cha Cha's mother and father into stone statues and is holding them captive. The Japanese animators have no touble showing preteens killing this demon. Nor do they show these children lacking the ability to make decisions on their own. Nor do they show the destruction of a murdering creature to be immoral._________Only in America do we insist on dumbing down our children._________In a boys show like Raijin Oh, a class of 18 preteens have to fight an inasion from space using 4 huge mechas. Again the Japanese show preteens carrying the world on their shoulders. And killing the villians. It is political correctness that damn near killed American animation. Insisting on conflict resolution instead of killing the villian. Turning out disgusting mush for the kids to watch instead of the steak that the Kids in Japan enjoy on a daily basis.________The people that want to edit Card Captor Sakura here in the U S are the political correct imbeciles that are afraid to put any sunrise kids mecha programs like Raijin Oh on in the U S. Because the kids are killing the villians. They're afraid to put shows like Creamy Mami on because it deals with a little girl who is experiencing first love.___________Both of these are taboo to the politically correct people who did there best to ruin American animation in the past decades. So dumb down U S animation and the American school children as well all you politically correct types. Dont't you dare show murderers being killed. Don't show any villian being destroyed. That would be immoral, wouldn't it?__________Edit all those horrible things out of anime released here in the U S. American kids must not have their delicate little minds damaged! American kids must not think murderers should be killed! American kids must be raised to march in lock step with the politically correct who know all, see all, and shall edit to death any anime they get their hands on.________I think American kids can handle unedited anime. And if the criminals get their worthless brains blown out, so be it!
It's not the kids I'm worried about, it's their moral crusader parents that are the problem and can't handle unedited anime.

I have no problem most of the time with agreeing in the theory of an eye for an eye since so many criminals get off more of less scot free but honestly the world don't work that way.

I'll be the first to admit that political correctness is killing America, I've personally been in a situation where there was this loud mouth jackass that just happened to be black that was repeatedly calling me a "Brain dead cracker hick" to my face When all I'd done was ask him to please be quiet, (It was the middle of a movie theater for crying out loud!) and when I told him to shove his bigoted opinions suddenly I'm the bad guy being pelted with popcorn and jujubes form all directions. Luckily the manager kicked him out and I got my money back, never going to that theater again.

Anyway many TV shows and video games show kids that would never be in a situation that is depicted so that's not the issue. Neither is morality, which so often becomes synonymous with bigotry these days when people twist it for their own selfish means. (But that's another rant altogether.)

The real issue is would most fans watch a digimon show where the digimon only fought humans? Since most of us want a new season so bad probably, but it wouldn't go well and we'd be entrenched in another round of flame wars. And I really don't have enough civility left to try to talk people into giving it a chance like with Frontier when the first thing out of every small-minded jackass' mouth was "Power Rangers sucks and so does this." before even seeing it. Damnit people they weren't wearing suits they were becoming digimon!! Sorry, that too is another issue altogether
Oh yes. I have met people who wanted the Powerpuff girls taken off the air. Have you ever heard of Speedy Gonzales? I remember quite well when they forced him from the airwaves. The Taboos that limit KIDS anime from appearing on U S television is astonishing. Vifam could not be shown here. People would go nuts over 13 kids locked up alone for months on a spaceship. Imagine what they would do without adult supervision. They might fall in love with one another. Or stop a war!____________What the politically correct don't understand is that kids grow up. They learn to stand on their own 2 feet. They choose their own mates. And being threatened causes them to discover they have something called a backbone. Raijin Oh and Creamy Mami were really shows about kids growing up and taking that first step from total dependance to adulthood!________Politically correct people desire control. And this shows up with their desiring to keep children totally dependant for an absurdly long time. Or trying to browbeat their children into not becoming parents until they are at least 35. Control! Control! Control!________Edit that anime. Your minds are too delicate. Mama knows best. Viva Speedy Gonzales.
Did you know that the tentative title for the Power Puff Girls was "The Whup Ass Girls?" Changed of course.

I keep hearing the argument for Huckleberry Finn to be taken out of schools and libraries because people say it's racist. Apparently they have no clue that it's about a white kid putting his ass on the line to smuggle his black, slave friend to freedom. Oh yeah just because the dreaded "N" word is said regularly a story of friendship and affirmation must be evil. :roll: People like to conveniently forget that that's how people talked back then, you have to look at it in context. Let it go you PC bastards.

On the other hand there was this Bugs Bunny cartoon where some characters appeared in "black-face" at the end, now that is racist and it is justifiable that it be taken off the air but Speedy Gonzales? Okay, I can see that the Sleepy Gozales character could be offensive since it ties to a stereotype but his name was Sleepy, it wasn't just something he did because he was from Mexico. You don't see people bitching tat the Disney Snow White was evil because of Sleepy the Dwarf.
Grab, you can't use anime and cartoons as proof that preteens are capable of political action. The Powerpuff girls aren't real.
Neither are the kids from Vifam. It isn't a matter of maturity. It's a matter of knowledge and experience. I mean, let's say that there were little kids out there fighting crime. What the hell would the word "crime" mean to them at that age? Robbery, maybe? Murder? Assault?

Also, if you want to talk about how children react when threatened, read up on the child soldiers in Africa, or the child labor and child prostitution industries. Trust me, those kids weren't "kept dependent".
In Batman and Siderman, young people were confonted by evil. Rather than remain pasive, they esentially took up arms and confronted it. That is what happens in most kids anime in Japan. In the U S the PC types whant to edit this out of kids shows._______If you look carefully at PC, it says there is no such thing as evil. Anime says there is evil. PC says let the goverment handle it. Anime shows that the individual must make a personal decision. To make allies and fight, or be overcome. Hitler conquered europe one little bite at a time. Stalin faced 15 countries standing together against him, and he stayed on his side of the fence.________Every kid when they get into 4th or 5th grade will face their own decision. They hear the voice of passivity that says remain dependant. Or what their gut tells them. Take action now. Anime is stories of action. Good drama and comedy is conflict. PC wants to edit out conflict from kids shows, I have personally seen this war take place in the U S television market. The PC stuff doesn't sell well. Anime is booming.________The Whup ass girls are adored by the kids. Just as the super hero shows of the early 60s were adored by American kids. The PC types are ridiculed by all the good writers that put out articles I have read.________They laugh at the college professors who teach writing classes. Some professional writers who took one of these classes speak about how the professors looked down on a fellow who was already a successful, published writer. These writers had figured out how to do it, They had their own opinions and could not be easily swayed by the professor. And the professors displeasure with the professional just rolled off the back of the established pro._________The PC professor wanted people in his class that were more easily controlled. The pro, with his opposing hard earned knowlege knew nonsense when he heard it. He stood on his own two feet and didn't knuckle under in spite of all the dirty looks. Soon all the other students were asking for the pros advice. He said 4 of these students got something published._______So do stories where the kids have to make their own decisions. Not be under the thumb of adults making all their decisions for them. Anime will continue to receive dirty looks from PC. They are totally opposed to one another.
Dude, if this were debate class, you wouldn't get very far.

1) Batman and Spiderman both started their careers as young adults. Additionally, they were both extremely educated, with Batman being . You were talking about having untrained preteens essentially using digimon as weapons against other human beings (BTW, you still haven't addressed the immorality thereof). There's a distinct difference.

2) There is no PC conspiracy to keep anime out of the west. The only people conspiring to such ends are the folks at Disney, and they're driven more by fear of competition than by anything else. The main reason why only certain anime series make it out to America is because they can't find a distributer who will consider them marketable enough.
When it comes to PC, though, I think it's impossible to lump sum it all up into one generalization. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. It's fundamentally impossible to do something which someone might not agree with.
One example is that 02 episode where Cody learned that it was okay to lie sometimes. That falls in stark contrast with about all the shows I saw when I was young where the morality firmly stated: "DON'T LIE. PERIOD."

Luckily, that didn't piss off the "Certain Individual" who always creates a media blitz over some stupid little thing that no one else would have noticed or cared about if the individual had kept their mouth shut.

Like this one lady who sued an airline for racism because the stewardesses where counting passengers with the old rhyme "Eeenie Meenie Miney Moe..." which, in the older days, used to regularly feature the use of the word "Nigger."

So I don't think morality can ever be firmly nailed down, and consequently, PC will never die. It can be weakened, sure, but never be gone fully.

Hell, take me for example:

Gnostic Metatron Prime Wrote:2) Using digimon as weapons against other humans, no matter what the context, is immoral. I mean, would you command a domesticated, untrained dog to engage an armed robber? Or, to look at it from another angle, would you use a flamethrower on a guy who's only got a handgun to defend himself with? The answer to both questions is no.

If I knew that guy with the handgun had used it to kill someone innocent or rape, or somthing worse, I'd not only use the flamethrower on him without hesitation, I'd save the head for last so I could charcoal his limbs enough to the point where I could kick them off while he watched.
Anus Individual 20 Wrote:If I knew that guy with the handgun had used it to kill someone innocent or rape, or somthing worse, I'd not only use the flamethrower on him without hesitation, I'd save the head for last so I could charcoal his limbs enough to the point where I could kick them off while he watched.

That'd a different story, and would fall under the category of "punishment", because the crime would have already happened. Grabjuri was talking about using Digimon to stop a crime that is either about to happen or is in the process of happening, which is just plain wrong, because a crime isn't a crime until it has happened.
Under the law, you can use deadly force if you are in fear of your life. You never have to wait for a criminal to kill you before you are allowed to shoot him. This does not include verbal or non life threatening situations. Whats more under the law, you can use deadly force to protect the life of a third party. If I saw a man who was going to use a crowbar, knife, gun, 2 by 4, piece of pipe to off any one of you reading this, I could legally shoot him._________Any woman confronted by a rapist does not have to be raped first before she could use deadly force against the rapist.________But the issue on this forumn is the fact that in at least 2 dozen kids anime programs I have seen. The boys are using mechas to fight invaders. Little girls are using magic wands to fight a variety of creatures. And their average age is 10._________Minky Momo in the 1980 series fought gangsters, kidnappers, bank robbers, and other HUMAN criminals. Vifam saw Roddy Bart and other preteens, fighting a war. Raijin Oh, Ganvulgar, Gosawuer all saw 10 year olds waging war. Akazukin Cha Cha saw the preteens killing a wide assortment of villians for 52 episodes, whenever Liiya wasn't eating. Creamy Mami had far fewer fights. But the 10 year old girl was in love with a 13 year old boy. TABOO._________None of these shows have been released in the U S because they show preteens shooting guns and killing the villians. TABOO. And the magical girl genre shows with the exception of Card Captors have not been released in the U S because they show 10 year old girls in love with older boys. TABOO.____________I recall U S shows like Herculoids, The Impossibles, Frankenstein Jr. Space Ghost, and quite a few others being forced off the airwaves due to villians being blown up. The old PC crowd said this was unacceptable. As was Tom and Jerry, Speedy Gonzales, and too many others to mention._________The editing of Card Captors is infamous among CCS fans. They cry about Rika's crush on Mr.Terada being edited out. All the scenes of Chihara grabbing Yamazaki by the neck. The unedited Japanese version was much better._________The Japanese wonder why Americans find these things objectionable. Don't 10 year old girls fall in love? Wouldn't a class of 18 4th graders rise to the challenge if the earth was being invaded?________I can only speak for myself. If I was 10 years old and I had a digimon that could take out a gang, a rapist, or a single armed robber. I would do so. And I believe most kids would do so in a heartbeat. The Japanese are not white American liberals, and this means they are not PC. Their entertainment in Japan is not PC.__________I have had quite a few conversations with PC people on this subject. They consider anime to be subversive. SUBVERSIVE!!!!!________Anything they cannot edit to suit them is subversive.________So I call for unedited kids anime. U S kids will not be harmed by it at all.________I just hope they aren't ruining Detective Conan, ( Case Closed ) That is an awesome program.________On the subject of Huck Finn. I remember 10 or 12 years ago a college professor wanted his class to write papers on why Huck Finn should be banned. 5 students wrote papers defending it being in U S schools. The professor gave these 5 students Cs. All the other got As. Don't mess with the PC people. Unless you can take what they will try to do to browbeat you.