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Well, guess what?!
I'm going to Japan either this summer or this Christmas with a friend of mine. Yesssss.... >=D

I need to pull up tons of money before then, brush up on some Japanese I used to know, and PRAY TO GOD that this trip will actually happen. Anyways, I'm looking for any input on this, probably some suggestions, ideas..... I'm trying to not get my hopes too high since even the slightest thing could go wrong. Dunno...... =P
if you want to know what to get I have an idea: anything (of course you could look for some *coughdigimoncough* mangas if it doesn't embarass you that much)
yeah that is good idea *cough* and put them on this site
Don't order fugu. It's dangerous and expensive.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I only say that is a good idea if he did he dont have to
I suggest that you not worry too much about swag and just try to have fun over there...try not to give Japan the impression that foreingers only like them for their hentai and their ninjas...

...despite the fact that it's true.
sounds good. good luck that you can realize it
but you have to get swag at least for your self and we do not; we love the anime and live action stuff too
and this left me speachless
heh heh you gotta love those Japenese lol
If you're a cute American, Japanese girls will buy you stuff. Fo' serious.
God, I wish I could live there......... @_@