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alcoholic drinks
me niether , during a year i drink less then 50ml of alcohol drinks =P
Veemon's Followers
You shouldn't be drinking really at all.. In the states, you have to be 21 just to drink.. And even then.. I still think your too young to be drinking... Only reason I say that is because a 22 year old, almost killed me in another accident... different from the one I mentioned before....
21?! Wow, you have only have to be 18 here, the same goes for gambling and almost every other right in the book. It's best to moderate how much alcohol you drink. Anyway, I've heard of these new alcohol puffers that you use to inhale the alcohol rather than drink it.

Pros - You can't get drunk, but have the same pleasing effect on alcohol

Cons - Probably dangerous to lungs.

What does everyone think of this?
Eh. My lungs are bad enough as it is from all these years of secondhand smoke, compliments of my mother. I think I would rather be drunk temporarily than have possible lung damage.
Quote:You shouldn't be drinking really at all.. In the states, you have to be 21 just to drink.. And even then.. I still think your too young to be drinking... Only reason I say that is because a 22 year old, almost killed me in another accident... different from the one I mentioned before
here 16 fore beer and not strong drinks and 18 for drinks with a lot alcohol in it and of cours here you here you have to be 18 for a drivers licence :x
Hmm, here, you have to be 16 and a half for your L plate (learners) and have to have the learners for 6 months before the open license. Minimum age is 17 in other words, kinda better to allow driving before drinking. If you lose your open, you have to have the learners again for another 6 months for another open.

Learners - you need someone with an open license with you in the car at all times

Open - Can drive by yourself

The other states have 'P' plates for the first few years, dunno what they mean.

I was drinking too early anyway, we all do I suppose
not me I started on my 16
I'll tell you i like to start off with a few shots of southern comfort, straight of course, then chase that down with some juice or something. Then bring out the JaegerMeister, when i'm sick of that licorice tatse then comes the beer, probably like a local brew like Saranac or maybe even molson or something. Rinse and repeat, party the night away lol
i used to drink, but i quit cause I lost a friend to drinking in highschool.
I feel sorry for you