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Reality TV
I abuslutely fuckin' hate reality TV!!! All it is, basically, is eat the most shit and win a million dollars!! i'm abuslutely sick of it. Those dating shows should be burned and never return to air!
Yes! the only good one is the osborns and that's it but that mad house thing on sci-fi seems cool (one day I want to have a reality show about cartoons cause that would really blow everyones minds)
gah it shows that the human race is stupid and not worth to talk about them. Time to assimilate those creatures who takes part on such shows. :P
that'd be a great idea!
hmmm... assimilate huh? (goes to look up genetics and the human mind for plan)
i also hate em it shows the worst part of human beings

stereotypes makes people even more stupid it limits there devolopement and they concentrate to do things that aren
Veemon's Followers
I couldn't agree here more...
I too hate those damn Reality TV shows! That Scare Factor thing on Sci-fi pisses me off! I just wish they'd just fade away.
I think that for every dumbass reality show that gets aired the collective I.Q. of the planet drops another ten points. Considering how many of the people around us act that's something we can't afford.
yeah it really sucks