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uh... fake IDs anyone?
Yeah, for some reason people seem to think drugs can easily be controlled by putting legal restrictions or bans on them... It's not that easy. People will have drugs if they want to, no matter what the law says. The law can push things into the underground, but can't make them disappear.
Yep Urban, it's part of life. People will go through drastic measures to get something they want, but only if they want it bad enough. So that is really all the Government can do, is discourage all but the most desperate people.
People will get pot either way, so why not make a little money off of it? (Damn, am I a capitalist, or what?)
oh so secretly tax it good idea
It's the biggest illegal thing where I live, It was on the news a week or so ago and it said that it was making like a few billion a year. When they do the raids on the pot farms they should use the money to help the economy