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What happened while I was away?
I'm back and ready to start doing stuff around here...
What happened the past months anyway? :roll:
Erm, not much I don't think, well godofchaos left for good over something stupid (in my opinion). I don't know what else ahs happened I haven't been visiting for a while either.
about God of chaos: just look around there should be some topic which explains it.
...................hummmmmmmmm*looks around but can't find nything* ...okay what happend!
hot news: I suck in webpage creating. a news huh.

*laughs sarcastic*
ahahahaha u sure u suck
in building webpages, yup
lol same
yes everyone sucks at something (hey rika what do you suck at?) heh heh
Yes. I would seem to suck at letting godofchaos have everything his way, as it seems. To answer your question, there was an art post that chaos had put up, in which someone had posted "Yay for sluts!" as a comment.

As you might know me, I sometimes can get a stick up my ass about certain things such as acting like a drunken, horny idiot. I posted a reply saying that the comment was juvenile, chaos wrote back saying for me to, well, pull the rod out of my ass.

It started to escalate from there when I gave a prompt "Fuck You" in return. Simple, base, and right to the point. Of course, like I shouldnt have expected a reaction... 7_7

The fight started off from there, Chaos gave a homphobic remark about me and my boyfriend, and then I went stright to a primal neanderthalithic state and threatened him with bodily harm. He accepted, challenging me to meet him at some anime con that Id never go to and that he would kick my ass. After briefly posting that I would smear him all over the tables, I looked at what I was doing and smacked myself for having fallen to his immature, idle-minded level.

I then proceeded to delete the entire topic, instead of moving it to stasis for judgement from all the other mods. Maybe I did this because I was subconciously afraid they would judge me as well, maybe I really WAS making it personal. I can never tell anymore. All I was concernec with was that it was going to escalate further, and I didnt want an incident.

Of COURSE.... Chaos couldnt sit and let one single topic out of his umpteen other topics die, along with pictures of smutty lineart which looks exactly like every other smutty lineart that he does. After going to Chibi Renamon and demanding my being fired, which Chibi refused to do, according to what Ive been told, Chaos went on to threaten him as well and pelt him with insults. This, as you could guess, didnt sit well with CR.

It was then that Chaos had officially been banned, and so he sent an email requesting that every single thing he had on here be removed, along with his galleries. So now, according to him, the Digiartist's Domain has lost it's one gaining factor that had drawn in so many hits for the site.


Anyway, he know spends his time in his own little private message board, saying he's that he's the victim and that Im a cocksucker. And, of course, his little sheep there believe him and proceed to all in unision call me a (snobby) cocksucker as well.

And that's why they call me infamous. >:3

So that's the real big thing that's happened as of lately. Sorry about the life story there, but I figured you'd want the entire explanation.